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cd thacker

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Image Comments posted by cd thacker

  1. A beautiful and interesting image of two boys. The way the heads fill the frame and their relation/contrast to each other is effective and original. And the little hand on the shoulder - perfect touch. My only problem is with the title, which tries to tell a story and does not succeed. I don't see "evil" in this picture.
  2. I thought I rated this long ago, but apparently it somehow got by me. Anyway, this is undoubtedly the strongest image in a folder of strong images. It's sometimes difficult in a situation like the one in this picture, to know eaxactly where to lay your focus - your choice was superb. I might have pulled back just a tad more so that the fellow on our left wasn't cropped so close - but I wasn't the one taking! Great shot.


    Nice. I like the way most of the image is just yellow - and the boy's expression, even though we can't see any details of it - just as though he is looking in on us from another time or another dimension. And the specks are a great touch.
  3. You're going to have a hard time living up to your daniel images - but i guess you know that. Anyway, this is certainly one of the more interesting architectural shots I've seen. The greenish light falling on yellow stucco - or what looks like stucco - is neat. Moody.
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