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cd thacker

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Image Comments posted by cd thacker


    I don't know why exactly this got such low ratings in its first incarnation. Is the lighting a problem? Not for me - I think it makes for an evocative, sexy, thoughtful picture.

    Fun, fun, fun

    The more I look at this, the more I see movement and speed. I think this stems from the contrast between those who are moving and those who still; but is greatly facilitated by that diagonal line that runs down the middle - most everything to the right of that is moving fast. The line designates the "speed zone". I also like the colors against the ice. Great shot.
  1. I love the way it starts out dark and gets lighter as you move up in the frame (the shadows suggest hills or other organic shapes outside), while the rain remains constant. I could stare at this image of rain and shadows for a good long time. In fact, I already have.


    I don't think that's dust under the awning; I think it's those stars or whatever on strings that are in focus here. The large grain only adds to the moodiness of the image. I didn't like it that much at first but after I stared at it for a bit. . . I sort of fell into it.
  2. I've found it's really difficult to get a good "balloon seller" shot - no matter what you do, it looks trite on film. This image avoids that problem, though, by virtue of its interesting angle, and the contrast of the man's silouette with the transluscent, bright balloons. Nice. I'm not bothered by the tree limbs to the right, as some might be. I do wish it was a better scan, though.


    Also nice, both by itself and in series. Check out the photos and paintings of Gerhard Richter, if you haven't already. That's what these remind me of.


    This series ends the way it began: with a really compelling image that strongly evokes mystery and movement. Some of the best images I've seen on this sight - or anywhere.
  3. While not quite as striking as the first image, this one is still quite strong, with the mysterious shadowy figure moving forward in the Chicago (?) night. In fact, this whole noir scene gets more involving the more you look at it.
  4. I really like this whole folder. What a great series. Here, the movement of the dark figure - from left to right or forward; contrasted with the movement of the entire, lighter background from upper right to lower left or backwards - is very effective. Additionally, I like how the solid figure of the man (?) is echoed by the lighter figure of the structure behind him.

    Dusk shadows

    How many times have you found yourself sitting in a cab at night and saying to yourself, "Man, what a great picture this would make"? Well, Karl took that picture. And it is great. It also looks like something out of "Bladerunner".


    I don't think the striped pillow is a problem - you could easily "fix" it in photoshop; but as it is I think it gives the figure some grounding in reality; if it weren't striped, it would be less likely to be recognized as a pillow - and the whole image would then become one of abstract shapes and forms, which I think would be less effective all round.
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