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Image Comments posted by edroper

  1. Thanks grady.... i plan to... while i was shooting, he pulled out a little digital camera and was like " i am a photographer too" ... he had some prints from scenes in mexico on the wall inside.


    The cool thing was I complimented him on the shots, and he was like 'its nothing special, just places where i lived '... i commented about how to people in the US, scenes like that are not ordinary and very "interesting"... he commented that when mexican people come up here, our surroundings are not ordinary and are very "interesting".... it was a cool perspective on our cultural differences...


    Old Dock

    I'm a sucker for silouettes... so i gave you 5/5... :) .. .I would of "corrected" the horizon in photoshop though...granted the aim is to have it correct on the original negative/slide, sometimes even the pros blow a shot with horizon problems... im sure they correct post-exposure as well

    Looking out...


    I would prefer some comments on composition, rather than technical

    aspects, due to the fact that I scanned this with one of those

    flatbed scanners with a "slide adapter" . In the original slide alot

    more detail and color pops out. What about the pose, the background,

    the reflection of the water in the sunglasses....



    November 2002


    Hey Keri! Glad to see you're making progress!... Looks like you're on the right path.... you'll probably have more questions, but it looks like you're adapting well :)


    lamps at dusk


    ....this is one of the first images i took with a tripod and my new

    80-200.... i hope i didnt waste my money with such a fine piece of

    glass.... am i on the right track?


    this is a perfect example of why i hate the rise of digital cameras.... this image has no artistic quality at all, and shouldnt even have been posted on here. Its simply disturbing.
  2. I think the water should be the object of attention, forget the shadow details...the contrast bewtween the rocks and the water is what makes this image work...show more details and its more like a garden variety waterfall shot
  3. This is an image from my cemetary series i shot last year. i never

    did get any views or comments on it and its one of my favorites...i

    would like to know what others think....did the face need to be

    illuminated some more? if you rate it, please comment...

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