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Image Comments posted by edroper

    Horsie Friend...


    I met this beautiful girl on the way to the obx a few weeks ago...she

    was very friendly and was 'posing' for me the whole time...


    i've been influenced by the last issue of Outdoor Photographer i read

    recently that had a nice article about backlit subjects....comments?

    obx tourists...


    One of the benefits of living near the outer banks is the many

    species of geese and duck that visit during the winter...i was

    stalking these guys the better part of the afternoon and for one last

    shot, they flew away, very tired from my presence....comments?

  1. sometimes you dont even have to try...you just go somewhere and God

    presents you with an amazing scene. this was such time... i didnt

    even have to touch this up in photoshop, it really was this briliant

    there...just to think, thousands of fishermen spend days at a time

    near this spot, but probably never noticed this before....comments?

    White Wings

    this is an awesome picture...the quality isnt that good probably cause of your scanner, but the composition is amazing. I love seabirds, as common as they are, and you have captured one of the coolest aspects of photographing them....taking off and landing...

    Let's have a drink


    My roomates dog bailey right after taking a drink, right after

    playing like crazy with my dog. It's amazing they stay still enough

    for you to photograph them.....i appreciate comments over


  2. this is my neighbors chow...he was out taking a bathroom break and

    popped between me and the sun while i was busy photographic my

    dogs...i saw the brilliant shine through his light and inspiration

    struck....comments are very much appreciated over ratings....

    Head shot


    I envy this shot. I was shooting some ducks yesterday ( that doesnt sound right...) and lemme tell ya, it was contrast hell. Out of 100 or so, maybe 2-3 keepers... dark duck against dark water...ugh....


    but you have a keeper

  3. I was originally going to label this one 'dime a dozen' because I

    know waterfalls are very cliche'. However, I live near the beach and

    this is my first time seeing a waterfall in about, oh, 15-20 years,

    so I couldnt help myself.


    Regardless, any comments?

  4. This was my second visit to the blue ridge parkway in VA. The first

    was overcast and yucky. Im learning more on handling landscapes and

    compensating for a bright sky..... taken during early morning and

    touched up a bit in photoshop to compensate for the d1's limited

    dynamic range... comments?

    sanderlings afloat


    Comments? I spooked these guys when they were on the ground and quick

    thinking made me decide to capture them...


    I lost my laptop today and almost lost my jeep on todays beach bound

    excursion to a huge puddle, so feel free to give me some extra

    sympathy points :)

  5. To tell the truth, i dont know if they are considered flowers or

    flowering weeds. An interesting backstory, i saw these on some dirt

    paths being made for a new development. They will soon be killed off

    in favor of some new houses...thus the title...


    i've decided to start concentrating on nature related images, so

    would appreciate some critiques of one of my first flower-related



    please leave comments if you rate, and tell me what you like or dont


  6. i had the guys on the doc all lined up, when their friends decided to

    join in. My brain said "um, the decisive moment is happening NOW!

    take this!!"....so i did.....one of my favs out of 2 256mb CF cards

    full of shots.... comments?


    p.s. please comment if you do decide to rate...i appreciate any

    comments, good or bad

    Snowy Egret 2


    good shot anne. i never considered myself a bird photographer, but lately i just keep shooting them more and more often. white birds are hard to get a good shot of...as suggested try an overcast day, or catch one in some shade...


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