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medina photography cherry

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Posts posted by medina photography cherry

  1. I was sort of in your position 3 1/2 years ago. I tried to get an assisting job with any pro in my area. At that time Digital was not as big and all the pros used medium format. Even though I was aply equiped with 35mm no one would touch me without MF gear. Instead of assisting, I put an ad in the paper for weddings. I booked my first wedding and had no idea what I was doing. I go through it, discouraged with the outcome (the images were not bad, the people were) I decided not to do it. Then about 6 months later I got a desperate call for a Photographer. I reluctantly did the wedding for $250 and was inspired! I have been pressing on ever since. I love shooting weddings, I am still learning everyday and even though I do not have a human mentor, I read books, look at other Photographers work I admire and have a few DVD's of some great photographers that I watch over and over like Yervant and Parker Pfister and Joe Businick.


    Find out what it is you want and go after it and take it in baby steps.


    Good luck


  2. I have the 17-40 4L. I bought this lens in 2003 to help with the 1.6crop of my 10D. Had I had the money then I would have got the 16-35. Since then I have compensated with primes, I got the 24 1.4L to use on my 1D (1.3 Crop)but still need that wider angle. My plans are to replace it as I definetly need 2.8 or faster.
  3. I have Master of wedding photography DVD, Yervant was very good on that, I also got photovision 12 hour DVD with a parker pfister on it he was very good. You have to watch what they are doing and try to figure the technical stuff out for your self, so far no one is explaining exactly what they do- in my experience.
  4. What I like to do is feed his ego. Have him hold her up against a wall and say" [groom]Tell her your her man! Show her your her man!" Or I will say "whsiper in her ear what you are going to do to her on your wedding night" or something to that effect. I usually always get great expressions and actions from that. I also like to get shots of the couple leaning up against a wall. I will tell the guy to lean up against the wall and have the gal come up close to him, I say closer, closer closer (that usually makes them smile and giggle (shooting the whole time, then I say give him a kiss and shoot that. If the guy is reluctanct to act, get the girl to do it. Good Luck
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