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medina photography cherry

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Posts posted by medina photography cherry

  1. I bought the Sunpak 555 used as a third light for wedding receptions. My goal

    was to have 2 550ex flashes on light stands triggered by PW's. I did this at

    my last event and got some great lighting. One flaw was when someone blocked

    the light (me shooting 90 degrees of the first light, 180 from the other) i

    would get really great rim and side lighting but the bodys would be silhouette.


    Anyway, so I knew that I needed more power than just the AA's, so I got the

    power pak. Does the power pak work inconjunction with the 6 AA batteries or

    independently when turned to BATT?


    I know that the power pak works without the AA's in the flash on AC/HV was

    just curious as to the other.



  2. I am guilty of having at least one camera on the front seat after an event.

    That is ashame about Michelle Otto- Wish her family the best.


    Drunk Drivers are the worst. I used to Drive Professionally. I have over a million miles logged. I have seen many, many accidents. People do not pay attention when they drive, let alone being drunk. Well I was going to go on a tangent about drivers and road safety but I don't think anyone really cares, no one will change.

  3. I am no expert with this subject by no means, but what you have to consider is what the camera is metering off of for each shot. With TTL, E-TTl and E-TTLII the camera sends information to the flash for exposure comp. Try to shoot similar subjects (i.e. exposures) to see if there are any inconsistencies.


    Side note- Looks like your family is as willing participants in your experiments as mine are.

  4. I have a decent job. It pays the bills and is very demanding (most people have

    this I am sure)I like the work I do for the most part, it is ok, but I do not

    have a passion for it, like my boss does. Of course he has more to gain (and

    loose) being the owner. I would equate his passion for this business as mine

    is for photography.


    I have been shooting weddings for the past three years. Probably under 20 for

    my career. I am entirely self taught, never assisted (though I tried to)


    I have a Wife and four children to support and live in an expensive area (NJ)

    so failure is not an option.


    My boss knows that I do weddings and isn't entirely thrilled that I may not be

    available for a Saturday here and there and has even told me no more weddings

    for the rest of the year (which I do not book because I know the pace of the

    business I am in)Though I think it is wrong for my boss to dictate what I do

    on the weekends and demand I be available around the clock for him and his

    business- but that's another story.


    Ok, my goal is to go full time with a net income of 80K at least. You can llok

    at my work at http://www.medinaphotography.com and/or my blog at

    http://medinaphotography.blogspot.com for my work.


    So with the quality of my work-am I kidding myself? what should I be charging?

    or should I be running?


    This is a serious question. I have been scared to ask because so many people

    post these kinds of questions for some praise or whatever. I really would like

    to know if I got it (technically) I know managing a business has more to do

    with business sence, but , well anyway I am sure you guys get the picture-


    any and all advice is greatly appreciated.


    Thank you


  5. "It's similar with conventional head-and-shoulder portraits. Even though they might be very well done, they don't often rate very highly because they're not viewed as very original"


    All the nudes look alike too. AS a matter of fact some of the are down rigth horrible- technically, but are praised.


    There is definetly a bias here. There are alot of great contributors to the forums so that balances out the bad.

  6. MichelleA,


    I have been practicing different techniques regarding this as well. So far what jas worked, my tried and true, is flash on camera, no diffusion, low light lenses. 1DMKII w/ 24 1.4L 550ex & 20D w/ 50 1.4 or 80 1.8 550ex, and bounce the light off anything I can. I put the camera in manual. Shutter around 1/30th (if it is particualrly bright I go with a little higher, or if particualrly dark, lil lower) Ap- 4.0 -5.6, ISO 800.


    Once I get my shots, I then start to experiment- at the last wedding I put the flashes on light stands and triggered them with a pocket wizard- Got some cool dance pics, but not perfect for everything.

  7. The ranting and raving may be because she is 20- Us old people just arent hip, unless we dress and act like 12 year olds. I did a venue where the coordinator called me on the phone 2 days before (I never met the woman before) She was talking like a teenager. She sounded like paris Hilton, lets say that. When I met here, here was a 45ish orange woman, that looked 55 because of the leather skin. I could not stand her. Well I am an old fuddy duddy (39) going on 60, so that could be the reason.
  8. I too have done the same thing. I was especially dissatisfied with the LS and it's limiting use, I went back to the omni. One wedding I did I looked in my bag and no omni so I was forced to shoot the whole event without it. The pictures were 10 times better. I watched a DVD with Parker Pfister and saw him using straight on flash but the images looked almost bounced. He did not share his technique you had to figure it out, of which I pressume he dialed the flash down and dragged the shutter. So I have been toyed with that at my last wedding.
  9. Like Bob said, they are probably scrambled. I would probably explain to them that you understand they are under stress, but there are some things that absolutely need to be nailed down before you can move forward. Clients need our professionalism. Take charge and help them.
  10. There is a very well known Photographer that does(DID) the same thing. Bragged how his first year in business he gross $64K but his prices were "all day wedding's for $400" and booked 14 his first year- do the math.

    I guess it is the "used car salesman" image that wedding photographers having been trying to shed- and it is working, it is coming around.

  11. Well you are not going to need the 24-70 2.8 if you already have the 24-105 IS. Looks likeyou are well equiped except that i did not see any flashes in your list.

    As far as where to stand- Ask the priest/ minister. They have their own rules and you must follow them.

    I could not bring just one lens, I guess if I absolutely had to, I would bring just the 50 1.4, but since I don't have to, I bring it all!

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