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randall ellis

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Image Comments posted by randall ellis

    navy pier

    I like the bridge disappearing into the water look, it lends an interesting feel to the image. The colors seem a bit saturated but they may not seem so to everyone. Nice shot.
  1. Always a great subject. I agree with the previous post about the crop. Removing the bright sky to the right of the bridge would put more emphasis on the bridge itself. The sky is a bit too bright and is distracting to me. Other than that this is a nice image. Good work.

    Mx Racing.

    Good composition with a very vertical emphasis, it works well for this subject. Great framing as well. That must have been hard to do considering the speed involved. Nice work.

    On The Move

    Nice composition, it puts emphasis on the subject and creates a great sense of setting. Good work with light in a tough situation too. A very moving image.

    Barbed Wire 26

    Done before or not, you did a hell of a job. Great choice of camera for the subject and great composition. Personaly, I prefer B+W to color-toned images but that's just me. Very nice work!
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