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randall ellis

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Image Comments posted by randall ellis


    Great capture! The symmetry of the fountain is nicely offset by the clouds/moon and the bushes. Very nice control of lighting; not burned out at the brightest points but still good detail in the dark areas. Very nice!
  1. I like this angle more than the other of this same subject. The only thing that I find distracting is the sense of color in the distant equipment. It really draws my eye away from the main subject. I might try more contrast and a true b+w image just to see if it seems different. Great image just the same!
  2. The blues and reds seem oversaturated and it seems a bit sharp, especialy in the foundation stones. Other than that this is a great image. There are just enough clouds in the sky to add some interest without being distracting and the patchy vegetation create a nice contrast. There are a lot of photos here waiting to be captured.
  3. I agree with the previous post, color would have been very distracting. Nice work on the conversion job! Too bad about the bright lights under the bridge, but they are not overly distracting. This might be interesting with an expansive black sky above too. Nice work!



    I like the black and white image but would suggest considering a different crop. Put just the beginning of the sweeping deck at the top of the image to put more focus on the supports and surroundings and to draw the eye into the image. As one of the others had mentioned, just a bit more contrast might add some punch as well. Nice capture just the same!

  4. The highlights created by the reflection off the knights' head seem a bit harsh to me. Perhaps a polarizer would have cut the light a bit (not too much though!) and allowed just a bit more detail in the eye of the piece. Great image just the same!

    Train, Train

    Yep, it's a Holga! Great application of the characteristic vignetting of the Holga here, and the soft focus. This is an excellent match of camera and subject. The rails lead my eye into the image. Nice balance front to back and left to right. Great capture!

    UP & DOWN

    I agree with the previous poster. The use of blur would have given the sensation of motion and added to the feeling of this image. Too bad about the time stamp... Very creative idea!

    Bloody biker

    Great composition for a camera without a viewfinder. This really begs the question "What is this guy's story?!". Use of blur created a very moving image here. Great capture!


    I like this crop better than the other image because the wood at the bottom of the other is a little distracting. This crop seems to shorten the feeling of depth but works better due to the lack of distraction. Technicaly speaking, the light reflecting off the rails leads my eye into the scene and makes the shot work. Nice job!


    Although you seem to be in a dangerous position (long lens?) you have done an excellent job capturing the feeling of the situation. I can almost taste the feeling in this image. Great job!


    Not bad for an on-camera flash shot. Caves usualy require true flash bulbs, and a few of them at that! Or at least a long bulb shot with some creative flash use. Flashbulbs do put out more light though and can be useful in a cave... At any rate, good work. The feature is highlighted and some of the surrounding formations have details. Nice shot!


    Nice capture! A little more depth of field might change the image somewhat. With the rail in focus and the bridge out of focus I feel compelled to look back but the rail keeps drawing my attention. If they were both in focus it might allow for a smoother transition from rail to bridge. On the other hand, you may have been working for that result in which case, well done! Either way, very nice capture!


    I would also like to see this larger. The heavy contrast suits this subject well. Good framing with the small strip of woods at the top. Without that, it would have been a totally different image. Very nice work!
  5. Of the two images you made of this subject, I think that this one conveys the most feeling. The totally surrounding confines and with the tanker filling the free space in front give me the feeling that I am out of place as a person in a machines' world. From a technically standpoint, you managed the light very well. I like it.

    B&w mill

    Overall nice image. The white water seems to compete with the mill for my attention. Also, the image seems soft to me. Maybe a tack sharp mill might have more emphasis, and perhaps throw the foreground out of focus just a bit more. Either way, this is a great vision! Good choice for Black and White too. This image is more often seen in color but I like your choice better.
  6. Great idea! This presents a strong visual but I have to agree with the previous poster, it is a little soft. I think that if it were tack sharp it would be more consistent with the overall feel of the image. The water drops really add force to the image. Nice job!

    Pantha Rei II

    This image really conveys feeling. It gives me the feeling of being trapped and overwhelmed, as if I were a pedestrian in an harsh alien world of speed and control. B+W is a great choice for this image and the use of blur really adds power to the overall feeling. Fantastic image!
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