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Image Comments posted by ian_greant

  1. Nice pic Jonathan... but then I'm a climber so I'm probaby biased.

    If Gary had scooted his butt a little further up the rock and I think the shot would have looked a little better.. maybe there aren't any holds... I don't know, I haven't been down to Hueco yet.

    Keep up the good and work and drop by my portfolio for a visit.. I have a couple climbing pics up.



    Hi Tiffany,

    First off I am in no way a sport photographer but it seems to me that in an exciting sport like paragliding (edited: obviously not your opinion ;) you've done little to capture that excitement. A straight behind shot against an average sky does little to excite the viewer even though a "swoop" is being made.

    Basically the shot just doesn't move me. I've been interested in paragliding for a number of years, looked at quite a few photos of it but there is nothing about this one that rejuvinates my interest.

    Have a great day, I hope to see more aerial pics from you in the future.

  2. go pawn some of your equipment Mr Reed and buy yourself a sense of humor, the "gimic" is what turns this from "just another shot of the lady" to something different.

    A quick comment on Mr Reed's rating of 1 and 2; Is this really one of the worst shots you've seen?

    I probably wouldn't want it on my wall so wouldn't give it an overly high rating on aesthetics but it earns good points for originality.

    Go Spud! :)

    Yellow Lady


    Hi Pete,

    Nice tones, nice flower but there are a couple things I would have done a little differently. (This is only my opinion for what it's worth.)

    1. I would have changed the angle I shot from a little. The single leaf that points directly toward the camera is a little disconcerting. You could have shot right between the two leafs (or whatever those twisty things are called) and still had a great shot of the flower.

    2. I would have tightend up the focus on the flower some more. Perhaps you were working on a "soft" look but I think it would have been stronger if the entrance to the slipper at least was in very sharp focus.

    Thanks for sharing, keep up the good work!

    Dom str.


    I'll second Vuk,

    Great atmosphere, lovely tone, nice composition.

    It really looks like the the line of romantic hallmark cards you see here in North America (and possibly all over)

    Nice work!


    Hi Peter,

    very good concept, neat picture... there is just something about the composition that bugs me though, and I can't quite figure it out.

    In all likelihood it is probably just one of those images that works better as a large print than as a small jpeg.

    thanks for sharing!

  3. great shot!

    Now tell us the truth, do you have lightning reflexes or were you just as surprised as the fish to get the shot? :) Doesn't really matter, it's a great photo regardless!

    Spider I

    Great spider shot James!

    I've been wanting to get one that like that for quite a while but the spiders in my corner of the world just aren't being cooperative... guess I need to feed them better ;)

    a bit of constructive critiscism... take a bit more care when scanning. Most of your scans have evidence of dirt or hair on them and it distracts greatly from the quality of your work.

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