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Image Comments posted by ian_greant

  1. hmmm, personally I would have placed the green pepper in the center of the focus and not at the beginning of it. I believe it could have had more impact had you chosen the focus point differently.


    scroll, scroll, scroll.... by Jeeves you're right! I was so busy amusing myself with my own wit (or lack thereof) that I mistakenly lumped you in there with the detractors from the hat. Not that it was anything to get wound up over, I personally thought you and Vuk would get a chuckle out of it and the Canadian content comment. Pardon me if I misjudged your sense of humor.

    I'll edit the previous comment so no future readers possibly mistake you for a hat hater. (whether you are or not has not been identified but we wouldn't want your ratings to be prejudiced on that basis ;)



    Thanks Mary, no I haven't really participated in the weekly debate before. I've left it up to Ian MacEachern and Vuk to keep the level of Canadian Content up. Seeing as Vuk definitely doesn't seem to like the hat (although I suspect Vuk may like lipstick) and I mistakenly believed Mr. MacEachern to be a hat hater (see next comment) I thought I had would step in for a few words.

    Just to add a couple more thoughts....

    Although I don't consider cropping, digital darkroom work etc to be "wrong". I don't usually value an image that has required substantial amounts of post capture work (whether it is mine or someone else's) as much as something that was photographed right the first time.

    Often the time I spend rescuing a photo is a lesson in what I must do to get it right the next time.

    The key skill we all practice is photography.. with a camera. All other processes are dependent on our capturing the intended image. Those who choose to spend the bulk of their time on post capture modifications will become better graphic artists or darkroom technicians.. Those who spend their time behind the camera will (hopefully) become better photographers.

    Those of us who spend all our time flaming each other here will get fat a**es and sore necks but will be really fast with our fingertips.

    nuff said.



    Wow,what a great week, and Tris hasn't even been center stage. ;)

    1. I feel this is a well executed image. It is not a portrait in the style of Ian M or Tony D but it captures the essence and character of a person. It evoked strong emotion before being blessed/cursed with POW and still does. Is it a photo? I believe the key elements remain unchanged enough to qualify. Stretching or cropping a background is not a sin in my book. Does it deserve the ratings accolades it has received? See my comment on ratings below.
    2. Those of you who pay a little more attention to what goes on here rather just dropping in for the weekly gong show may recall Peter posting this image for review a while back. As I recall the lighting is from a window and he was curious if the photo was more effective with or without the window in the frame.

    3. My opinion to the various arguments/opinions on photo manipulation.

      a)Method doesn't matter - choose the medium that makes you the happiest and run with it. Don't whine like a five year old when someone with newer technology makes a better image. Chances are it has nothing to do with technology and everything to do with skill and vision.

      b)On that note... to each and everyone of you that voiced some moronic sentiment that this image is lessened because it was taken with a digital camera please add my fingertip to the one Paul offered earlier :)

      c)On Post Camera image manipulation. I do agree with what many have voiced that there is a limit to what we should modify before what you have is art but not a photo. This is a photography community and I see little value to CGI images and other eye candy being posted here, except potentially serving as an ego boost since they typically collect high ratings (go figure)

    4. Ratings: ratings are essentially a joke and an absolute ego trap. Brian M's top photos list is tres cool, when I have time (when I'm not busy trying to bribe my way into the top 10 list) I'll put one together.
    5. and lastly... what's the deal with all the hat hate?? Some of you need to get outside and take more photos. You might find a good hat is a truly useful photo accessory!

      PS For those of you who are a little slow there may be humor and/or sarcasm in the above post. Please react accordingly.

  2. I don't mind the DOF, I think the softness and color makes an interesting image. I do wonder if you were using a cable release or timer though... the edges seem a bit soft. hard to tell for sure though when you are examining scaled down compressed jpgs ;)

    Thanks for sharing your unique fungus view



    as in typical of your work, which is stunning.

    I'm not 100% sure about the dead center alignment of the flower, I think moving it off to the side would provide more interest. However I'm being rather fussy, as photo.net regulars we get pretty jaded to flower photos that have the average citizen agape in wonder.

    Thanks for sharing this and your other photos


    Nice work Dave, of all your portraits in this folder this one caught my the most. I like the tone and softness a lot.

    Thanks for sharing the details, those of us who haven't used lights much at all appreciate it. :)

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