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Image Comments posted by ian_greant

    Dancing Girl


    I like the choice of infrared. I believe the DOF and exposure make this photo (never mind the slag against trying too be a Diana/holga)

    If you wanted to maintain the close range with her face then it may have been a better choice to go horizontal instead of vertical. Her hands are probably more key to decipering her mood/movement than her (very nice) belly button.



  1. Nice flower..

    Rather underexposed and the composition isn't very inspiring. I would either crop the flower closer (next time you shoot one) or leave more room. Just barely trimming some of the petals looks sloppy.

    Make the most of those flowers! :)




    I don't believe the softness is a problem. The somewhat muted tones of the colors, shallow DOF and softness all work together well (IMHO)

    I don't get the impression her head is floating. I think the hood running down to the crop line ties it all together.




    interesting composition and portrait... but rather over exposed. The loss of detail in the highlights is rather disappointing in such a character filled face


    I think it's ok. The texture and detail make it interesting. Now... some pendant on a gold chain slightly dipping into tanned cleavage... I think that has been done to death ;)
  2. Hi Ricardo!

    I like the look of this, nice tone, lighting, etc. but... it is neither compositionally exciting or peaceful.. its just kinda in the middle.

    I think if the pillar were further right it would create better dynamics... right now the woman and the pillar are so close the eyes can't relax and absorb the space between them...

    or something like that :)

  3. Hi Carmelo,

    While the exposure and colors are good in this photo the composition itself is not all that exciting.

    Dragons and Fire (2) in your portfolio does a much better job of capturing the mystery of the night, dragons and fire.

    It's all about perspective and what you show to the viewer.

    Keep on shooting!

  4. this is a great concept! The only thing that bugs me is that "I" didn't come up with it. ;)

    On a serious note... it has the appearance of a snapshot.. Either by limiting the DOF and blurring the background or shooting in B&W (or converting it) I think would dramatically improve the appearance of the photo.

    Keep up the great ideas!

  5. Helena,

    This is a nice flower shot, although a bit darker and moodier than standard.

    I really like the DOF and am drawn to the contrast between the white flower and the background tones.

    I do think off setting the flower to one side would give the photo better dynamics. Also waiting for a little better light on the lower petals would have given better seperation from the background.

    Keep up the good work,





    This is great (as is most of your work.

    I started working in alternative development (cyanotypes, etc) about 6 months before I saw any of your work. I can only say I am inspired by what I've seen...

    Thanks also for being open about your technique and working methods.

    Best regards,

  6. Nice print Brian,

    I like the tones and softness of you have here. I usually expose my cyanotypes pretty agressively and often peroxide them!

    One thing, I'm not sure about the texture in the paper... sometimes it makes an image but in this case it doesn't seem to improve it any. What paper did you use?

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