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Image Comments posted by ian_greant

  1. The timing and light/exposure are good.

    The techical limitations of the photographers equipment bring the image down considerably.

    The crop is bad as it places the birds mass considerably right of center.

    While it is nice of Cary to reward his model I personally would be inclined to check what her diet restrictions are. :)

    Last time I visited the local Raptor rehab center I seem to recall they were all getting a diet of rodent. There are people to ask if you really want to know.

  2. I think it's nice semi moody shot. As guitar player I'm not quite sure if it's more effective to show someone playing guitar or holding their guitair and thinking about it. (some chords just look rather awkward... maybe nobody else notices this).. anyway... I couldn't resist taking a couple minutes to fiddle with your photo a bit... I think it may be stronger without the cropping I did..





  3. fantastic compositon. all these three's.

    Three pillars, three men... but only one woman watching them.


    I'd love to have this neg in my enlarger.. It just needs a little bit of that final tweaking so everyone can see the magic in it :)





    inside out


    This is funny. Looks like we both live in Calgary. We both own an SRT and we both have taken this very similar photo in Dorothy. (I shot mine with a Rollei so the view is a bit different)





    Lost in your eyes


    I agree, it is a striking photo.


    I find the childs skin looks plastic. Whether this is due to overexposure or to excessive retouching doesn't really matter.


    Personally I would have adjusted backed the levels down a bit until some detail could be seen. It's a fine line and one that is easy to cross.







    Just a little more palm though I think. Of course I look at this and think.. hmmmm be a cool gum print, or maybe a cyanotype. heyyyyyyyy.. How mirroring it and displaying the two vertically... Like their clapping?






    pretty simple

    This has potential as it shows some feeling and movement, however it is a bit underexposed. Perhaps it is your scan?

    The rest of your flower photos... I'm sorry but they don't move me. Maybe everyone else likes them and hates this photo ;)


    PS don't crop it


    Hi Philippe,

    Excellent series of photos! Any of them on their own are pretty good. All together though increases the impact a lot.

    Photoshopped head??


    Is this photo a case of The Emperor's New Clothes? Are the bulk of us expressing our appreciation merely submissive sheep seeking approval from someone or something? In a word: No.

    I think Bob's photo (and most POW's) show how broad the visual vocabulary and tastes of this community are. Not everyone will like every photo. No two people will see it the same way. It is very interesting to see the different viewpoints.

    Personally I like the photo a lot. To me it has an almost zen garden like elegance about it. To others it may be boring and I sound like a pretentious art twit. Which one is true? It's all a point of view.


    PS: David ignore everything I wrote above.. just between you and me the Aliens have landed and the POW is really a group mind control experiment.



    Nice one Bob.

    Simple, elegant, balanced. The polaroid transfer is pure icing on the cake! I wasn't at all surprised to see you were using a view cam for this. It's certainly a different point of view than one normally sees from an SLR

    A couple comments.

    1. Borders - Bob's photos aren't the first I've seen comments from those unfamilar with alternative processes that the borders look fake and add nothing to the photo. Do you think knowledge of the process is necessary to appreciate the borders. Personally I've worked in handbrushed emulsions for a while so my judgment is heavily clouded. ;)
    2. Composition - it seems the composition may be a bit simple for some. Personally I think it's extremely well balanced and a testament to Bob's experience/eye. I'm curious if the preference for this photo is polarized at all by personal format usage. e.g. Do a greater percentage of Large Format users prefer this over small format users (35mm and equivilant digital).

    That's it from me.. Time to go back to sniffing chemicals in the darkroom.



    I kinda like this! Interesting crop. Good character study. DOF isolates subject from background. It's probably just my own personal quirk but I think even the slight bit of motion blur may enhance the photo.

    Is this a conventional portrait? No.

    Do I think it's effective? Yes.

    Keep it up Flo.


    Nicely done Laura, great range of tones, I like the low key approach.

    re: framing. I like rough edges (torn paper, hand brushed emulsion, etc) this is close, Just a little predictable to be great.

    Nice overall collection, :)


  4. I'm not sure exactly how old Jack is.. I think 84 or 87. Great guy! His wife is real nice too. This photo was taken during an interview with a local writer.

    Jack is the celebrity spokesperson for a client of mine so I got called in to document his appearance in their store. One of my favorite gigs this year so far :)


  5. Nice shot Leslie. Strong composition.

    I am a bit surprised at the opinions on the flowers being dyed. I don't recall recently seeing many people expressing they would prefer photos of people au' natural.. no makeup and natural hair color only.

    Hang on! I've got a great idea! Lets go tell our favorite fashion photographer we'd respect his photos a lot more if he didn't modify his subjects! Any volunteers?


    great image, excellent feeling of a dream to it. perhaps better toned or printed as a Van Dyke or something interesting. I think it could be improved somewhat with some vignetting. It would look really vintage then! :)


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