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Inexpensive cloud space

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One of my other hobbies is martial arts and we are trying to figure a way to get an inexpensive cloud space so parents, spouses, etc. (whomever) can upload pictures and video of events.  I do a lot of still photography (rapidly becoming a dinosaur) and another guy does the video but most all the parents photo/video their child's, spouse's, etc. events.  Some of it would be good fodder for the website promo but we are out of ideas on how to make it easy for people to send it in. 

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I think Flickr accounts could do what you need. I worked at the university here for some years. A colleague involved in research in some area of building materials science wanted to set up a shared space where he and contacts at other universities could put photographs of samples, sites etc for any of them to use. He ended up setting up a Flickr account. I think he started it as a free one; but free accounts have since become more restricted: I think they're limited to 1000 items now. A Pro account is unrestricted but costs about 72 dollars per year (I'd forgotten it was that much!)

I'm not sure what Flickr think about users sharing an account: if I remember right, that's what my colleague was proposing to do. There would be nothing to stop you having an account each, keeping your stuff limited to friends and family, and posting it to a shared private group. That might mean a 1000-items limit wouldn't be a problem for some or all of you. It would take some coordination to get everyone's account set up, everyone tagged as friends by everyone else, and then set up the group.

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Studied and taught Martial Arts most of my life.  The videos are time consuming to make and to watch, and have limited use as a teaching tool ex. for private students who are  paying a lot.  I couldn't even watch my own kids sport videos, and they were good. Don't spend till you are sure you have a viable audience.

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On 2/6/2023 at 8:09 PM, Sandy Vongries said:

Studied and taught Martial Arts most of my life.  The videos are time consuming to make and to watch, and have limited use as a teaching tool ex. for private students who are  paying a lot.  I couldn't even watch my own kids sport videos, and they were good. Don't spend till you are sure you have a viable audience.

Thanks but it's mostly for media and archival purposes.  Right now we are just looking for some cheap storage that parents, students, and other patrons of the school can upload to.  Guess I'm thinking more along the lines of a FTP site but with easier use.


Edited by thequintessentialman
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