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Dustin McAmera

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  1. lost_coyote, with an underscore: https://www.photo.net/profile/202999-lost_coyote/?tab=node_gallery_galleryImages The new system doesn't remember forum postings older than ten years, but your photos in the gallery are there. There's a 'forgot your password' link in the login box.
  2. 'any man's death diminishes me' - discuss.
  3. EOS M50 with the EF-M 22mm f/2 (first one) and 7Artisans 35mm f/1.2 (other two)
  4. A bad day for the artist formerly the prince of prints of the artist formerly known as Prince..
  5. You're right: it's for a flash bracket. It's in one of the Accessories guides at Mike Butkus' site: This page, and it's page 11 of the blue 'Practical Accessories', second document down at time of writing: https://butkus.org/chinon/rollei/rolleiflex_booklet/rolleiflex_booklet.htm
  6. The bin-store of the cat café.
  7. To shoehorn some cameras into this thread, I searched Camera-wiki for a boomerang, but the Boomerangflex doesn't exist. It seems the Kodak Super Six-20, the first camera to have auto-exposure, was nicknamed 'the boomerang' because of the frequency with which it came back to the factory for repair; and the Dalka Candid A20 has a 'Made-in-Australia' boomerang symbol on the front. There is an Ernemann Rolf I, a simple folding camera.
  8. Like his boomerang, Rolf's not likely to be coming back.
  9. Cheated here: this is my EOS M50, but with a Jupiter 11 135mm f/4 on, looking down one of our main shopping streets; the only street in our city to get the union-flag treatment for the coronation. Another square, where they are re-routing traffic and bike lanes. This is an FD mm f/1.8.
  10. I don't know these cameras, but the Camera-wiki page includes this link, where the guy (Ian Axford) repaired one. http://photographic.co.nz/cameraworks/cameras/rollei35/ The lens and shutter unit is secured to the body by three little screws, it seems, and one had fallen out and jammed the film advance. The bottom photo shows where he replaced the screw, behind the lens. If you're lucky, the problem might just be that one or more of these screws is loose. It looks like they should be accessible with a little screwdriver, without taking the camera apart. Don't use all your strength tightening them - Mr Axford notes that some of the camera is plastic, and not too robust. Good luck!
  11. I use an EOS M50; an APS-C mirrorless, introduced in 2018 I think, so a few years newer than your camera. It represented a big jump forward for me, and the ease with which I can carry on photographing in the dusk is one of the things I noticed. I got the camera with a kit zoom quite like your shorter one: a 15-45mm f/3.5-6.3, with image stabilisation - it claims to have 3½ stops-worth of IS. I also got some prime lenses: a 22mm f/2, a 50mm f/1.8 (probably Canon's cheapest lens) and a manual focus 35mm f/1.2. I find I'm most comfortable with the prime lenses when it gets dark, although the IS on the little zoom 'ought' to give it the edge. I'd think about getting one or more prime lenses with wide aperture, to let you use hand-holdable shutter speeds. My 50/1.8 and 35/1.2 were each less than 200 uk pounds (the 35 is a 7Artisans lens). Your problem in the pictures you posted seems to be just camera shake during a slow exposure. I tend to leave my camera in aperture-priority auto almost all the time; that means in bad light I have to keep an eye on what shutter speed the camera is planning to use. If I'm intending to stay out in the dark, I take a bean bag (literally a zip-lock freezer bag full of dried beans) so I can rest the camera on walls and posts for slower exposures without scratching it; I have a little tripod too, but the bean bag is easier to use, in town.
  12. Check out the Minimum Palmos: http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Minimum-Palmos The one pictured at Camera-wiki (the pictures are at Flickr; you can click to view them full-size there) seems to have a similar Tessar to yours. The text says f/6.3, but the pictured examples actually have f/4.5 lenses. It's a strut-folding camera with focal-plane shutter. Later, things like the Nettel had focusing by variable strut extension, so didn't need helical focusing on the lens. With a 15 cm lens, I think your lens might have been on a quarter-plate (3¼x4¼ inch) camera, or a 9x12cm. You have the mounting ring on the lens there. The camera at Camera-wiki has a metal front plate and is fastened with little machine screws. But you just need three (four?) countersunk brass screws to fit the lens in any wooden board. You need a focal-plane shutter to use it though. I wouldn't be surprised if the lens itself will unscrew from that ring, but not necessarily. The only lenses I have that look at all like this are for reflex cameras with racking focus, and those lenses are interchangeable. I don't think that Minimum Palmos allows different extension; the struts and bellows are folded or all the way out; so they weren't expecting you to swap the lens. IIRC, mine have something like a two-inch thread, but then they're English. Yours will presumably be a metric thread.
  13. It's also possible that the film may have been exposed to light at the edge by not being sufficiently tight while loading it onto the holder, or when unloading at the end (or even when loading onto a reel for development). If this has happened to just one roll, I'd cross your fingers and give it another go. Good luck!
  14. EOS M50 with the EF-M 22mm f/2 STM (first one) and EF 50mm f/1.8 STM (other two).
  15. If you were watching the site over the last few months, you'd have seen it said again and again that the site is essentially not being maintained. Photo.net passed to new ownership. Fiverr bought CreativeLive, so they own Photo.net, but they had no plans for it. They have gone as far as moving it to a new off-the-shelf platform (Invision Community) to let it continue, but there is no budget for add-ons or custom programming. Moderation is all done by volunteers. There has clearly been something effective done about spam, which was getting bad but has somehow been sorted. But mostly, what you see is what there is going to be.
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