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I shot my first roll of film on the Olympus infinity stylus zoom DLX that I got recently (and paid a lot of money for). I used Kodak 400 film and all of my shots turned out fuzzy and blurry? Not sure if this is a camera issue, or the type of film I used maybe being old, should I have used a different ISO film? Or is this a developing issue? I heard 400 was pretty safe for point and shoots if you’re not strictly doing indoor/outdoor. I like some of these shots but i feel as though it’s not supposed to be as fuzzy 😞 






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Do you know what shutter speed the fuzzy shots were taken at...if it was a slow speed, it could have been slight camera movement, especially if you punched down the shutter instead of carefully pressing it, although with 400 film I would think in outdoor shots the shutter speed would be pretty fast. Also was the lens clean? I have a different Oly zoom pocket camera and it takes razor sharp photos. Look at the negatives with some sort of magnifying glass to see if they are sharp...if that is the case, the film processor did a crappy job of focusing his scanner for either giving you files or printing.

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It's difficult to judge from those compressed jpeg scans, but that's kinda what passed for 'sharp' back in the day when those cheap compact point 'n' shoot cameras were made. 

How were the scans made, and have you examined the negatives directly with a loupe to see if they're any sharper? 

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A number of questions come up, some of them already asked above

  • which Kodak 400 film? Portra, Gold, Ultramax (this doesn't look like Ektar)?
  • expired? since when? (a year would do no harm, a decade perhaps yes)
  • Film pressure plate working ok?
  • Lens ok?
  • Processed how, by whom? Fresh chemicals?
  • scanned how? with which scanner? Scanner matters
  • do you have proofs? do they look the same as the photos uploaded?
  • one should not expect sharpness as the one of digital media.
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/2/2022 at 11:07 AM, za33photo said:

Did you give the Camera time to "catch its focus" , half pressing the shutter release and waiting for the Camera to focus properly before taking the shots ?.


Reminds me of the Canon T80. The autofocus has a tendency to decide to refocus, going all the way to one end, right when you are slowly pressing the shutter release.

Very easy to get completely out of focus shots.

-- glen

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