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Shortest time a thread has been active

Tony Parsons

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Well, discussion of moderation and moderators is prohibited, but discussion of the terms and conditions and user agreement itself isn't (according to the PN terms and conditions). So lets discuss that. Perhaps its time to modify the terms and conditions to allow discussion of moderation and code of conduct of the moderators as well. The likely reason why moderators are prohibited from being criticized in open forums is to maintain decorum and to present a good image of PN to the outside world. So lets make some forums private, visible only to members, where the overall management and moderation of the forums can be discussed. Not being allowed to question the functioning of a site which is solely built upon user content and member participation doesn't make sense in a free world. It may make sense in a non-free world, but I suppose such a world is against the spirit of practicing photography or any other art, so would be a contradiction to be adhered to by PN.
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Well, discussion of moderation and moderators is prohibited, but discussion of the terms and conditions and user agreement itself isn't (according to the PN terms and conditions). So lets discuss that


A1 idea.


You'd be a good moderator.

Edited by William Michael
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Thanks. I just think, everyone should be answerable to the community to which they belong, if their actions affect that community. Of course, answerable doesn't just mean 'justify your actions', it also means listen, learn and change.
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last edited by a moderator?


this is the second time this has happened to me and on neither case has the moderator had the decency to inform me personally.


now, i am not critisizing the act of moderation but, ffs, how long does it take our over worked, stressed out mods to send a PM?

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Tony you seek rationality and receptivity. Some would say get in line for a TS checklist. The community is what makes the content. Moderation is only to keep the pens from getting too messy. I think anyway. You do deserve a more genteel treatment of course.
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