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I hate misleading stats like these. Show us what is happening NOW.


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For instance, make it more prominent that at any given point in time there are fewer than 35 members on the site. It used to be over 300 on average. And when I want to look at my portfolio, PN has mastered the art of jamming ads in on every other row of MY images. but you can't figure out how to make it EASy for me to move one of my photos from one one gallery to another or resequence my galleries. No more excuses PN. For god's sakes, FIX things.

Everything is in SHAMBLES.

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It is curious, if ads are vital, even to paid members, why not some reference to the community at hand. I am thinking of the Adam and Eve spots for example. If one cannot cater to community, I suggest not alienate same. I mean as a business model. Just another to the list. How many really care any longer... Rhetorical question.
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I am always a bit chagrined that so few members express outrage at what is going on here. Maybe we are the only members left who have paid our dues. Or maybe it is like another situation in our Republic - people have grown so used to being fed sh-t that they just accept it.
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I am always a bit chagrined that so few members express outrage at what is going on here.

I'm outraged but have stopped expressing it and put my energies instead toward posting to the No Words forum, which I hadn't been that familiar with, is fun, and functions relatively well. (Once a week or so, I get error messages saying I have to wait 120 seconds before posting again. Then it becomes 27 seconds, then goes up to 360 or so seconds. It usually takes about 6 hours to clear up and then I can post again. I've posted about it as have a few others.)


In the past, I put a lot of effort into my portfolio and critiquing, but I find that part of the site not usable enough for me, so I pretty much ignore it now.


PN is not worth getting chagrined about, not because it wasn't once a much better site and not because I don't think there's potential here for something of value, but because complaining at this point is futile. Glenn has been pretty clear that he's got very limited resources and I don't think it's terribly productive for me to continue expecting what is obviously not going to happen, at least quickly.


Though I've had my moments of frustration and expressed anguish in the past, I've pretty much gotten into a new groove with PN that works the best it can for me. And No Words has stimulated me to go out and make new pics when an interesting theme comes along for which I don't yet have something on hand.


I invite anyone who's interested to check out No Words. There's regular, thriving activity there, some fun themes, and some thoughtful and creative people posting. And NO FIGHTING!


In the meantime, the serenity prayer is probably in order.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference."

OM, y'all . . .


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We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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I am not angry about anything myself. The site seems fine to me. There may be many members but in reality there are only a few people that are posting. I guess my problem with it all is I shoot film and the interest in film is so low these days there is little reason to be on-line about it.
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I am always a bit chagrined that so few members express outrage at what is going on here.


I have expressed my outrage, in the hope that PN would improve, but that hope is nearly gone. And there are more important outrages in the world at large than the difficulties in using this site.

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A lot of the people that I knew on this site have simply moved on. A number of the folks who reported bugs and asked for updates in the site help forum have come to realise the futility of that exercise and have stopped posting. Myself I just do not care any longer. It is what it is. PN is not worthy of my outrage. I look forward to Monday in Nature and post occasionally to the NW forum. I do not add photos to my portfolio as no one ever comments or looks at them. I sometimes look at the critique forum but little of what I see there moves me to comment, and even when it does, the follow up discussion seldom amounts to anything more than glad-handing.
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I have determined that logging in on Firefox works without the issues with google chrome. Logging in daily is an inconvenience. Seems like a drop in number of posts. Posters are asked to check to see if question has been asked before so I wonder how many unanswered questions are left after 10 or 15 years. But I can't help but notice the lack of participation of a number of folks who's thoughts I respected that don't seem to be here any longer. Has the initial interest in digital photography peaked and now is declining? I don't join myself, preferring to sponsor a new, novice but see few newbies now. Like so many photo groups locally, it seems like it is primary pursued by older gray haired white guys like me. Yes a smattering of 20 somethings thinking they can make a career out of it for a year or so, but for the most part, older folks. Also, I have noticed folks who thought moving up to better gear would improve their photos and when it didn't were disappointed and bailed on photography. Just some things that I have been wondering about over the last few years.
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I quit paying "dues" a few years back, and I was one of the first to pay dues . I only look in now to see those fine posts by Mark Bergman. It has been so long since I posted that I had to find my log-in data. On the other hand at 97 not forgetting is not an option.....


A. T. Burke

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There are areas of the site we are aware that need navigation improvements and attention and we are getting to them albeit slower than certainly I want. However, I see no mention of the improvement made - which is a modal on explore and portfolio pages. Click on a thumbnail and it opens up a window that shows the full photo and allows you to quickly upon another click quickly admire, favorite, follow and comment. X out of the modal and you are right back where you left off. As for the numbers you see in the forums - those are active users logged in - I've said it before - that much of our traffic (upwards of 60-70%) is google traffic - so those visitors are reading and are not reflected in those numbers.
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I have determined that logging in on Firefox works without the issues with google chrome. Logging in daily is an inconvenience. Seems like a drop in number of posts. Posters are asked to check to see if question has been asked before so I wonder how many unanswered questions are left after 10 or 15 years. But I can't help but notice the lack of participation of a number of folks who's thoughts I respected that don't seem to be here any longer. Has the initial interest in digital photography peaked and now is declining? I don't join myself, preferring to sponsor a new, novice but see few newbies now. Like so many photo groups locally, it seems like it is primary pursued by older gray haired white guys like me. Yes a smattering of 20 somethings thinking they can make a career out of it for a year or so, but for the most part, older folks. Also, I have noticed folks who thought moving up to better gear would improve their photos and when it didn't were disappointed and bailed on photography. Just some things that I have been wondering about over the last few years.


See Snapchat. How in the world does mainstream see this as photography? What has the world come to. OK,....this is freaking me out....now I'm starting to sound old.

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It is curious, if ads are vital, even to paid members, why not some reference to the community at hand. I am thinking of the Adam and Eve spots for example. If one cannot cater to community, I suggest not alienate same. I mean as a business model. Just another to the list. How many really care any longer... Rhetorical question.


Agreed Gerry - we're moving to a better advertising policy. Sadly most endemic advertisers in this space run their budgets through ad agencies that now only buy through programmatic channels - which means, fewer people involved and more black boxes that those few people are trusting to do the right thing....aaaand its not working. We have tested and tested ad partners and the end result is programmatic is not for us. We will be tightening the net so that only relevant ads in this space will be shown - no more car ads or Adam and Eve (btw - that could be retargeting you! hahah). It will improve, but I've been accused of being overly optimistic too.

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Outrage! Now, there's a word that gets a lot of use these days. Everyone seems to be spring-loaded in the Outrage position. But, too me, of all the things going on in the world right now that are really worthy of Outrage, PNet ain't one of them. So, maybe we should relax for a while and take some of Fred's advice. Maybe I'm starting to sound old, too. Hell, I am old.


Here's another OM post to help out...



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