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Whats Gone Wrong Here ?

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<p>Does anyone know what may have gone wrong here ?<br>

This is the second time this has happened with 2 separate cameras.<br>

The first 3 frames are solid black and the 4th frame is about 80% black. The rest of the frames appear to be perfect.<br>

What is baffling me is how the 3rd and forth frame appear to be blending in to each other. <br>

Agitation didn't change throughout the process. Could it be something to do with how it landed on the patterson spiral.<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18940456/photos/IMG_0022.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Any thoughts highly aappreciated.</p>


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<p>You need to tell us more about your work flow, from camera loading to unloading to loading the processing tank, and tank type.<br>

The totally black section was exposed to light as in unrolled in daylight or bright interior lights. The fade from black into image is where the exposed to a light source and exposed by the camera shutter and lens aperture begins. The next frame up from the fade from black appears to have a light leak near the center of the frame. </p>

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<p>Charles is correct. The totally black section is obviously due to exposure to outside-the-camera light. Make sure after loading film and closing the back that you advance a few frames (I always put my hand in front of the lens) before attempting purposeful exposures. You might also have an issue with the film advancing properly between shots. </p>
David H
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<p>It looks like the black part is at the beginning of the roll.</p>

<p>As noted above, it is easy to open the camera too soon at the end, but this comes from not closing it soon enough at the beginning, or letting the paper get too loose while loading. </p>

<p>Loose paper would probably not expose across the film that evenly.</p>

<p>You don't say which camera, but you load the film, put the beginning of the paper into the slot in the take-up spool, and wind enough to be sure it stays, maybe two turns. For cameras without a window in the back, wind until the arrows line up with a mark on the camera.</p>

<p>Looks to me that you are winding until the "1" shows, before closing the back. Don't do that.</p>

-- glen

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