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Beseler 23c variable contrast?


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Does the Beseler 23c have variable contrast filter options? Can you use filters with this enlarger? I know it seems like a stupid question

but I saw a question similar to this about changing the heads and I want to know if I can use contrast filters before I purchase it.



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<p>I'm pretty sure the 23c has a filter drawer just below the lamp housing, just above the condensers (at least that's what the photos seem to show). I have 2 23c's but they both have color dichro heads. Worse comes to worse, you could always use the under the lens filters.</p>
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<p>I used under the lens filters from Ilford for many years with an enlarger with a cold light head that didn't permit above the negative filters with fine results, so even if your 23c doesn't have a filter drawer you should still be able to use VC papers without any problems. The Ilford set that I had came with a mounting bracket that would attach to the enlarging lens, but many enlargers have a moving bracket for a red filter.</p>
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<p>Just saw this post - sorry I haven't been on in months.<br>

While you can use the under-the-lens filter adapter option, I would strongly suggest you look around for a set of Ilford MG 6" x 6" box or Kodak Polycontrast filters in the 6" x 6" wallet. I have been using my 23c for over 20 years and get superb results with these. There should be a pull-out metal filter holder behind the flap door situated between the lamp source and the condensers.<br>

First off, this is a better place to condition the light source as it is far enough away from the negative stage to cause any problems associated dust. You'll run into problems with dust using a filter below the lens not to mention that you're compromising some of the sharpness a good lens has by using a piece of coloured plastic between it and the paper. Also, if a below-lens filter gets scratched, that can cause more problems.<br>

Incidentally, the filter drawer is also where a sheet of heat absorbing glass is placed if you can come across one (they used to be round and sit on the upper condenser and later ones are square and slide in like the filter holder).<br>

You have a great condenser enlarger, these tips are intended to enhance the experience to get the best results.<br>

Good luck with your printing, cheers. mbw</p>

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<p>Well nuts-- my first post and Mr. Walmsley here beat me to it. Everything he said is gold. All I would add is dump the condenser hear and go cold light ASAP. I have had good luck trying small flourescents and and looking at an LED-based flood that shows promise.<br>

Hope your photos go well!<br>


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