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Monday in Nature Weekly Photo March 16, 2015

Laura Weishaupt

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<p><strong>Basic Guidelines</strong>: Nature based subject matter. Please, declare captive subjects. Keep your image at/under 700 pixels on the long axis for in-line viewing and try to keep file size under 300kb. Note that this includes photos hosted off-site at Flicker, Photobucket, your own site, etc. Feel free to link your image to a larger version.<br /> <strong><em>In the strictest sense, nature photography should not include hand of man elements. Please refrain from images with obvious buildings or large man made structures like roads, fences, walls. Try to minimize man made features, keep the focus on nature, and let common sense be your guide. Let's post one image per week. </em></strong><em>More details please <a href="/nature-photography-forum/00cgtY">check here</a>.</em></p>


<p>Monday Greetings,<br>

The snow is receding around here and seasonal changes are under way. I'm looking toward seeing the sprouts from the seeds once held in this pod. Finding it there in the snow was a reminder that the big picture is made of small details. I hope you've had a great week with your camera. Grab your coffee and let's get Monday in Nature under way.</p>

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<p>Old man winter's back is broken though he still struggles in the Southern Tier of NY - saps running!<br>

Though not the best, I caught a chickadee sipping sap from a branch our resident red squirrel had barked to get the sap flowing out last week. Lots of critters seem to have a sweet tooth or in this case a sweet beak... </p><div>00dBQf-555671584.jpg.b11033c5f0bbc528818426736d852342.jpg</div>

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<p>Barely a night goes by without hearing barred owls calling but I have only glimpsed them in my back yard at night. Seems I should have been looking in the front yard; I'm hoping this one has found a great nest site. EOS 7D2 + EF 500mm f/4 IS II + 1.4x III; 1/10s at f/5.6 ISO 800 (tripod)</p><div>00dBR3-555672584.jpg.7119964ef3de7c57907ef3d1d1e42aae.jpg</div>
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<p>Rick, beautiful shot. <br>

I love to walk my dog late at night to hear the barred owls. Last week we were out around 2:00am in the woods, the moon was brilliant so no need of a light, the owls were very active. Then the wolves started up. I could detect many individual voices and in a few minutes it was a full on symphony. They were immediately in our path and my dog didn't make a sound. I stood motionless, he sat by my side, for 4 or 5 minutes in awe and then turned back. I just live for those kinds of moments.</p>

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<p>Down here we are just beginning to enter our golden autumn, best season of the year in southern Australia. I've really enjoyed the chilly pictures from the north over the last few months. :-)</p>

<p>Water-worn channels in soft sandstone.</p><div>00dBV8-555685784.jpg.7de3d9933bf1a1aa89f6669f2b7926bf.jpg</div>

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<p>Well, even the snow is slowly receding now it’s still going to be a few more weeks before we can see new buds and sprouts in our area. This winter has been a harsh one. Extremely low temp and strong wind really impacted my photography. On the high elevation the wind usually gusting up to 50 kts and the windchill factor approaching -40F. In such conditions you don’t feel like staying for hours on the summit waiting for sunset and you photographic inspiration is fading out. You thoughts are about just how to survive. I was trying to catch those rare moments when the conditions were more or less civilized squeezing time of my busy weeks for photography. I’m not a stranger to extreme conditions on the high altitude, but after all the photography is not meant to be performed in adverse conditions. Anyhow, messing up with a few rolls of films on my light table, now it’s time to summarize whatever has been done before the spring takes full control. </p><div>00dBVy-555687784.jpg.9e70004161106ba61b9d53247c731efe.jpg</div>
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