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Dirt cheap tempering bath?

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<p>I've been thinking I needed to invent my own from DIY electronics parts but it looks like if you have a need, China will provide, just examples here. The STC-1000 is mostly known to people who do home-brewing I guess. The immersion heater is a decades old design. Both seem plentiful enough although I dind't know the STC-1000 was a thing until today.<br>

<a href="http://www.ebay.com/itm/110V-10A-Mini-Digital-STC-1000-All-purpose-Temperature-Controller-With-Sensor-/301124600936?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item461c6cc468">Cheap integrated temperature controller</a><br>

<a href="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Travel-Coffee-Tea-Water-Heater-Boiler-Immersion-Portable-110V-1500W-Soup-Cup-NEW-/400572150810?pt=Small_Kitchen_Appliances_US&hash=item5d43f5f41a">Immersion water heater meant for coffee, etc.</a><br>

Has anyone tried to build a homemade tempering bath, is it worth the effort these days?</p>

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<p>I have 1.5 Jobos, so no real need. Biggest issues I see with your project: Spotting a suitable vessel to start with & agitating the water inside. Flushing / draining convenience?<br>

Thoughts on the side: Thermal insulation? Maybe a lid? - OK Electricity is 4x the US$$ here... Anyhow, it seems worth to save pennies if possible.<br>

Rewards I see for you: Nothing is nastier than battling the algae & slime in a Jobo.<br>

It is impossible to tell if your efforts are worth it. - Basic questions do you process enough? What are you tempering for & against*? What would a ready made solution cost? Mileage varies: the guy letting room temperature drop to "shouting for a 2nd sweater" surely needs tempered BW chemicals.</p>

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<p>You are gonna have to source better relays. The temp unit only has 10a (less than 1200va). You are going to need at least 15 and should use a 20 for good measure. Another option would be to get a smaller wattage heater, like 400-800. You are not concerned with boiling the water.</p>

<p>To prevent hot spots, you will need something to circulate the water. Something from the fish tank world could work.</p>

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<p>"<em>Has anyone tried to build a homemade tempering bath, is it worth the effort these days?"</em></p>

<p>You will need a 11X14+ developing tray, plus a cheapo fish tank heater with thermometer. Tack on a cheapo fish tank internal Filter to get the water moving around and you got yourself a water bath. </p>

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