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502 Bad Gateway . . . . . . . ?!


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<p>Since last Sunday, an-till today, I having a problem with PN. After 10 minute to 25 minute on the PN, my PN page close down and getting this message. <br>

502 Bad Gateway<br>

The server returned an invalid or incomplete respond.</p>

<p>Then, I'm unable to do anything. Only about 15-30 minutes, sometime more, when I'm manage to get back to PN and again and again the same problem.<br>

Your guys having problem with the server or I having problem with my computer.?<br>

All other web pages, and everything els working flawless without any hick-up.</p>

<p>Thank you<br>

B. Molnar</p>

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<p>Hi Lex. Refreshing my PN page, doesn't do nothing. Actually, I have to quit safari, and wait 20-30 minutes to able to get back to PN and my working place. Even if I get back to the PN, after 5 minutes, it shown a blank page with the message. It happening when I check a folder, like B&W images, or any other, and go image to image and after about 10-15 image, I get a blank page with this stupid message and no way out then shutdown the internet browser. All the other web pages, working regardless how hard I abusing the computer, never happening and never happened before. Only, from last sunday.</p>
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<p>We're looking into it, but it will have to wait until Monday when somebody is in the office that can help me dig deeper. Well, it's Monday now, I guess, but I mean sometime during office hours....</p>
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<p>When it occurs, it's with every PN page, forum, photos, gallery page, critique pages.</p>

<p>I don't know what a proxy gateway is, but when I try a site that anonymizes my IP address (as I understand it), I can get through. I've used anonymouse successfully, but of course I can't log on that way and can only read stuff on PN when I use the anonymouse site.</p>

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<p>That's interesting. Does the error page say anything other than "502 Bad Gateway"?<br>

A proxy gateway is a server you browse the web through. It is usually configured either in the browser preferences, or in your computer's network preferences. If you don't know what it is, then I don't think you have one set up. It is curious that you seem to be able to access photo.net when going through an anonymizer and not when accessing direct, though. Which ISP are you on?</p>

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<p>Jin, as others have noted in other threads as well, there seem to me more 503 Service unavailable errors and long delays in the last couple of weeks, not as bad as but still reminiscent of days gone by on PN, in addition to the more frequent 502 Bad Gateway messages.</p>
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<p>I've been seeing various 502, 503, 504 and four-oh-something errors the past several days. Doesn't matter which browser I'm using, with or without proxy. Happens on every part of the site: my workspace, unified forum view, trying to post replies to threads, viewing photos, pretty much everywhere.</p>

<p>So far I haven't seen any error messages this morning while signed in via Chrome without proxy, but did get a 504 error when trying to view the site via Duck Duck Go search - but I usually expect some problems with proxies and anonymous searches like DDG, Startpage, etc.</p>

<p>I'm on AT&T DSL. No problems with accessing any other website.</p>

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<p>I also just got a 503 message. I don't know if it helps, but usually when I refresh the page, everything loads normally except the little icons next to everyone's names. Those just show up as the little broken image link icon. I didn't think to do a screen cap, but I will if it happens again. I'm using Chrome on a Win7 machine, no proxy, comcast ISP.</p>
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<p>And I had been getting the 502 Bad Gateway error from the time you recently posted, Jin, until just now, when it cleared. It's the typical behavior that we've been experiencing for the last few weeks. About 20 minutes to half an hour of Bad Gateway and no access followed by a return to regular access for no apparent reason.</p>
We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>Operations is still working on diagnosing the problem - good news (I guess) is we have been able to recreate the issue you all have experienced and the pattern has been exactly 30 minutes on the 17th or 18th minute of every hour and again on 47th or 48th minute of the same hour. If your 50X's are not occurring during that time period please let us know. We will let you know once we have the riddle solved. </p>
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