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502 Bad Gateway . . . . . . . ?!


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<p>The refresh click tends to bring back the page right away in the case of a 503 and 504 error, or at least within a few seconds or more. But when the Bad Gateway 502 error occurs, I usually have to wait at least 20 minutes before having access again. I haven't noticed the time that it happens but it's kind of amazing that it's timed down to the minute! </p>
We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>5:44 pm, CST got a 502 Bad Gateway whilst trying to access the POTD from the homepage. Then got the 502's regardless of where I tried to navigate to. Could get back to the homepage or here through my "Recent Page history."<br />Even tried several times to post the information here but kept getting, "HTTP ERROR:504 Gateway Timeout, RequestURI=http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-confirm"</p>

<h2> </h2>

<p>Previously the site was as Fred says above, sailing along nicely!</p>

<p>This is my 4th attempt to post this information!</p>

<p>6:06pm, CST - Edit; appears to be sailing again!</p>

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I also was having the same problem posting to a forum, in this instance one of the topics in the No Words Forum.

I ultimately got through, but accidently ended up posting three copies of the same image to that topic. Could

someone please remove the two additional unwanted copies of my image posted there? Thanks.

The URL for this No Words topic is http://www.photo.net/no-words-forum/00cfat

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<p>I think we have found the issue, and fixed it, fingers crossed. There was a little bit of inadvertent downtime yesterday evening as part of the fixing process went haywire. Let me know if you see any more 50x errors. And thanks for the initial reports.</p>
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<p>Thanks for all the hard work and attention, Jin.</p>

<p>I still continue to get the Bad Gateway 502 error throughout the day, on and off. The good news is I haven't received any of the 503 or 504 errors.</p>

<p>I'd be curious if others continue to get the 502. I'm on an older Mac OX operating system with an older version of Safari, which could be the culprit if the problem has been solved for most everyone else. </p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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<p>Ugh, really? Is anyone else continuing to see 502s, or 500s of any sort? If yes, then we have some more digging to do, although now we at least know where to look. If not, then I can work with Fred to see what might be causing the errors just for him.<br>

I've done a full reset of all the servers, so maybe that will have a good effect. When in doubt, restart a server.<br>

Please continue to let me know if you see 50x errors.</p>

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<p>Jim, 508 is supposed to be "loop detected", but it seems to have been recently assigned, and sometimes is used to indicate different errors. Was there any text that went with the error, and if so, what was it?</p>
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<h1>408 Request Time-out</h1>

<p>Your browser didn't send a complete request in time.<br>








<h1>408 Request Time-out</h1>

<p>Your browser didn't send a complete request in time.<br /><br>


Jin this is actually the message I get on a regular basis - 408, not 508. No problems with my browser on other websites. I use Chrome and Yahoo/IE. <br>






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