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Wikipedia launches 'World's Largest Photo Contest'


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Thanks for the reference to the Wikipedia site. I

downloaded the Android app that they had made

available for participating in their "contest", and

discovered that there were a number of buildings

of historical importance within walking distance

of where I live in Baltimore that I was unawares

of, and for which they desired that pictures be

taken. While I was photographing one of these

locales this afternoon (a group of rowhouses)

someone from that neighborhood came over and

inquired as to why I was taking pictures there. I

explained that this group of rowhouses was of

historical importance, and that I had been

engaged to photograph them by a organization

that produces an encyclopedia. It was a better

sounding answer I think than the answers that I

usually am able to provide to curious and perhaps

suspicious non-photographers when I ( a stranger

in their neighborhood ) am engaged in street


I didn't do anything more than take a few shots

with my cellphone, and upload one for that locale

to the Wikipedia database.

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