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didn't rewind film completely


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<p>hey guys, I just shot my second roll, and when I was rewinding the film, apparently I didn't get the film all the way into the cartridge. The leader and maybe one frame were out. I just wrapped in up and put it in the black film roll container. Will that little bit of film (the leader and maybe one frame) ruin the whole roll? The rest of it was in the cartridge. The leader is still exposed but it's in the roll container.<br>

Delta 100 if it matters.</p>

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<p>What camera are you using? A sophisticated electronic pro film SLR will often have a "leader out/leader in" film rewind option, with older manual cameras it's a matter of listening/feeling for when the end of the film comes off the take-up spool during rewind and then giving 2 or 3 more turns. If you have exposed no more of the film to daylight than you did when you were loading the camera, as the others say, you will not have a problem.</p>
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