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sterling developer

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I could not find a sterling developer in the database.

I would say not known at all.


Have you bought a developing tank yet?


There is a poem by Robert Frost. About choosing the less traveled of two roads. My guess is that you're the kind of

person who just starts walking off through the trees.


My recommendation would be to start with very popular general film, developer, and fixer. Buy a real developing tank.

And get your technique down. Before moving on to obscure materials.

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<p>Richard.....let me humbly clarify my point against the philosophy stated by u :)........<br>

India has seen a great revolution n terms of science and technology....if not in large economic scale but in the minds of young educated Indians.......every one dreams digital these days.....in such circumstances every youth desires to have a long list of electronic gadgets and one of them is the digi cam...............what I wanted to say is.....film photography is almost dead.....only serious hobbyist and hobbyist who r mad about the charm that film photography(like me) gives pursue it........................now in India only one BW film was available NOVA. It used to procure films from Ilford under the FP 125 ASA formulation(info frm google) and packed and selled them in the markets........due to dying of demand the company has stopped production and only expired films are available and that too only in big cities.......so the only other way to taste genuine BW photography is to buy the costly Ilford(in the city here only PAN series is available) or kodak TX etc..........similarly I did not find any other developer other than Sterling......there is no ready made chemical available......I bought acetic acid today to use as stop bath......I have hypo crystals to fix.......I did not find dev tank in any store......the notion of the shopkeepers are that "why to keep such items in the stores which wud deposit dust lying on the shelves?"..........................................Richard u cannot imagine, I have started pursuing BW film photography in such xtreme lack of supply and equipment...............I know these can be bought from the internet but the govt. imposes 100% tax on imported goods and I am inexperienced in E-shopping.............................................u r thinking that that I am trying to be stylish by using 'obscure' equipments.....but the obscure materials r the only option that I have...............sorry if I have made u run out of patience to read such a long essay......ne way thanks a lot............ </p>

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<p>may be available in the Indian capital New Delhi.....but that is 2500 km away from my place......photography is just a hobby besides my studies.....I cannot afford to travel in such circumstances......that is why I am posting a lot of my queries at various places to get such clarifications and informations</p>
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<p>Sterling Universal developer is made in Pune, India for Allied Photographics Ltd. They used to sell Sterling film respooled in Pondicherry. They were also agents for Pentax cameras when Asahi was selling film cameras. They sold Agfa film and printing paper. Now, the firm exists but has closed down most of its outfits.<br>

I have used Sterling Developer with some success. It is not like D-76. Requires a lot of dilution to bring down its pH value. Over a long series of experiments I have arrived at a proportion for Sterling to work with ORWO UN54 and Ultrafine 100 films.<br>

I make the stock solution per instructions in the packet. Then dilute the stock solution to 1:20. The 20 of water is salt water with 30% salt by weight, that is 30 gms per 1000cc of water. I use table salt from the kitchen. I develop at 75 degrees F for about 22 minutes. The pH value indicated in my [rough] meter is about 8.3.<br>

You can see some samples of my pictures in the Classic Manual Cameras Forum. I do not use this developer often because I have derived and developed one that gives better results from X-Ray chemicals of HPF India.<br>

One can also buy chemicals like Metol, KBr, Sodium Sulphite, etc., from College lab supply companies, plus washing soda or bicarbonate from neighborhood grocery stores and make one's own fresh developer. The School and College lab suppliers do have retail outlets in most cities. I hope this helps. sp.</p>

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<p><strong>Manojit Pusty</strong> Hi! I live in Bangalore and regularly bore the members of the Classic Manual Cameras Forum with my B&W pictures. I used to use Sterling 125 film as well as Nova NP22 [that was respooled ORWO NP22].<br>

Ilford film here costs a bomb, around $8.00 per 36 exp. I buy film directly from the new <strong>ORWO Filmotec</strong> from Wolfen, Germany. They sell 100feet, 400feet and 1000feet rolls. The price [including postage] works out to less than $1.00 per 36 exposures. Of course, you need to buy a daylight loader for convenience. Otherwise, you have to do the spooling in a dark room each time. I also buy film from <strong>Ultrafine</strong> in California. Ultrafine is bit more expensive than ORWO, by about 50%. Both are good and post promptly. You can see some pictures of mine from both films in CMC forum. Try their websites for details.<br>

I hope this helps. sp.</p>

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<p>then I'd like to know another thing.........the sterling packet says that the dilution shud be 1+8 ........I develop the expired nova s at 20 deg C for about 10 min(the pac states a limit of 8-12 min for film)...........also I get confused a lot when I go to develop kodak Tri x of Ilford as the in the developing chart in their respective websites they state developing times for different developrs......There I get confused as I do not know how to deal with the sterling........i have develpd them at 20 deg C by this notion, 8 min and if needed to push it by 1 stop them 1.5 min more(i.e 8+1.5=9.5 min)............please let me know if I can prepare D76(I know the name only :) )or something else at home........I know chemical wholesale shops at Kolkata and can easily get them.........</p>
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<p><strong>Manojit</strong>, You could make your own developer too. But if you have some Sterling packets try my suggestion from yesterday. It is simple and easy.<br>

If you wish to buy chemicals and make your own then go to the site <www.digitaltruth.com> and follow a suitable formula. Beutler's would be the simplest. You could also follow one of the tropical formulas given there.<br>

The Sterling developer uses some strong alkali for accelerating the development. And that caused some strong blanches and blacks in my pictures, when used per their prescription. That is why I experimented with dilution and reducing the pH value to 8.3 approximately. Try my suggestion and you will get good results even with Sterling. Then write me by email for further assistance, if needed. Best of efforts, sp.</p>

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