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A mystery camera on fleabay


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<p>Item: 300522257935. I am not the seller.</p>

<p>Very interesting camera. It looks a little like a Nikon (even has a Nikkormat flash plate), but other parts look like a Mamiya Sekor. The name plate is missing. Any guesses on what it might be? I love a good mystery.</p>

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<p>It's a product of Mamiya called Argus SLR made for one year 1965. The removable cold shoe is Nikkormat and happens to fit many cameras, Nikon and other makes. The lens would be a Sekor by Mamiya and looks like a Nikon mount but the bayonet is turned in a different direction and the reach of the bayonet prohibits interchangeability with Nikon bodies and vice versa. Essentially a Nikon lens will not fit this camera. I had one years ago. It really is an "orphan". IMHO because Mamiya and Ricoh were at one time sub contracting with Nikon, I believe Nikon did not wish the mount to be an exact copy. The Ricoh Singlex with Nikon mount a rather rare beast and the Nikkorex by Mamiya more commonly found in fact accept Nikon lenses but the Argus SLR of 1965 does not. Ron Herron has an interesting site on the 'net which may offer more information.</p>
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<p>This, as the vendor has correctly ID'd it, is a Mamiya Prismat NP underneath. It was sold as one model of Nikkorex (as this one) as well as an Argus, a Sears Tower (37 and 32B), I think a Ricoh Singlex, and heaven only knows what else ( http://herron.50megs.com/prismat.htm ). I did a report on a British rebadging called the Reflexa which had the oddity of a modified Exakta lens mount with a <em>Canon</em> 50mm lens on it ( http://www.photo.net/classic-cameras-forum/00VP6P ).</p>
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<p>BTW, this one has often been called the "forgotten Nikon" as Nikon has, understandably, not been eager to make its relationship to this puppy more widely known. Besides, there are hints that Nikon were unaware that Mamiya would supply this camera elsewhere, undercutting the Nikon price, although the other models generally had Mamiya's unique take on the Exakta mount.</p>
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<p>I can't really say much about passing on it, here is one I let slide by the other day, ebay item: 110639634609. If the lenses would have fit the Exakta I would have bid on it. This is also the that got me started researching this line of camera to start with.</p>
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