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Has anyone had the Mode Dial Lock installed on their 7D or 5D2?


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<p>Re: <a href="../canon-eos-digital-camera-forum/00XmO3">Canon is now offering locking mode dial upgrade to 7d and 5d2.</a></p>

<p>Just wondering if anyone has had it done, and if so, your thoughts on it. I'm planning to take my 7D down to Canon soon, and have the mod installed.</p>


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<p>I'm thinking about it, too, Larry, for the same reason...I'm about 5 mins from the Jamesburg center. But I'd like to know how long it takes before I commit. I've had that dial slip to bulb more than a few times, and it's annoying when the shutter doesn't click as fast as I expected, only to find the shot ruined because of it. It doesn't happen enough, though, that I check to make sure it's correctly positioned.</p>
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<p>I have a 60D with the locking mode dial and it's a grand pain in the ass: you always have to press the little button while turning the dial, so going from P mode to movie is almost painful. Also, I can see how easy it would be to forget to press it during a "Kodak" moment and break the damn thing. Wonder if there's a mod to remove that fiddly dial. I broke the locking dial on my A2 twice in a year and you only needed to press the button to go between "creative" and "basic" zones.</p>

<p>I've shot EOS for 21 year and have never had the mode dial turn by accident. My belly has set EC on the QCD many time...</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>I can't ever remember distubing the mode dial inadvertently on my 20D, 40D, 50D, 5D and 5DII, but it's a real nuisance on my 7D. Why? Because of the stupid new on/off switch, of course. Why Canon had to replace one perfectly good control with two, one of which is almost guaranteed to interfere with the mode dial position, is beyond me.</p>

<p>But my real beef is not so much about the mode dial itself as about the continued presence of two idiot modes on it. Just ignore them, I hear you say. Not quite that simple. Because my eyesight is not very good these days, I sometimes find it convenient to position the mode dial by turning it until it stops (at Green Box) and then counting clicks – and I can do that when not even looking at the mode dial at all. Unfortunately if I have my MR-14EX flah attached for close-up work, Green Box kills thngs like ratio settings on the flash, and they don't get restored when the dial is turned back. A "design feature of negative utility", in my book.</p>

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<p>I'm not fond of the 7D on/off switch position either. No problems nicking the mode dial but I prefer the old location. Not a biggie since I rarely turn the thing off but it isn't a smart design: combining mode and power is bound to be troublesome if you have big mitts or wear gloves.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>I did have it installed on my 7D. Sent it in right after the holidays and had it back within 6 business days. I am almost always carrying my camera by my side and had a number of times last year where it flipped from Av or Tv to something not desired. I lost many a shot that way, so I splurged and got the upgrade. Overall I am very pleased with it. It is simple but does exactly what I wanted it to do.</p>
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>>> Sent it in right after the holidays and had it back within 6 business days.


Nice! Thanks for the feedback. If the turnaround time is that fast, I'll go for it.


I deal with that issue probably 3-4 times a week. Always when unexpected, and never when starting out.

Two days ago I missed a great street shot walking in downtown SF. Saw a great subject walking towards

me, pressed the shutter, and made a great white as snow 2 second exposure...

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I have no issue with the on/off switch but the mode dial is a pain.


I can see the mod being a cure worse than the problem.


In my case the mode dial seems to be a problem (compared to my previous 20D) because of the 7D controls knureled

surface; so a brush against my body is enough to change the mode.


Perhaps all I need is some tight fitting cover for the knerled surface.

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<p>I find the lock on the 60D a PITA. I have seldom had problems with the mode dial but plenty of problems with other buttons, particularly the live view, movie button which I always seem to accidently press when grabing the camera out of the bag.<br>

Now that Canon are offering to install the mode lock I am wondering if they will also offer a service to have it removed?</p>


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