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May is National Photography Month here in the USA, anyone doing anything special?

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<p>Yeah yeah, I know. These "official day/week/month" things are just marketing ploys most of the time. But who cares, we're photographers! any excuse to get out and shoot is a good excuse.</p>

<p>So is anyone doing anything neat photographically this month that they can pretend is in honor of National Photography Month?</p>

<p>I'm going to claim that the photos I am finishing up taking with <a href="../photos/Doug%20Grosjean">Doug Grosjean's</a> Rollei TLR's for the (somewhat neglected) <a href="../columns/joshroot/filmtown/">Filmtown</a> article series are because of the glorious "official" photographic month of May! (really it is because I've had his cameras WAY too long and I need to get off my butt, finish the photos, finish the article, and get them back to him. Sorry Doug and thanks!).</p>

<p>Anyone else got something?</p>

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I hope to try some Birding with my recently purchased Canon 300mm and 1.4X extender. If I can get a off weekend I would like to visit one of those wild-life refuge parks on the eastern shore of Maryland, however May is usually not a good season for birds. You really go to hunt for them around that time. Spring and Fall are usually the best times.
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<p>Yea Josh, I was going to hunt you down with a wet noodle for ignoring Film Town.</p>

<p>I have 3 frozen rolls of K64 and a beater Contax IIIa that actually has a meter that may be accurate enough for slides. I'm brainstorming on what to shoot a roll on but I'm in Virginia Beach and the only think I've seen here are ugly strip malls laid out end to end and a continuous stream of cars piloted by nervous drivers.</p>

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<p>Yea Josh, I was going to hunt you down with a wet noodle for ignoring Film Town.</p>



<p>I did list it (filmtown) as one of my <a href="00VNeM">"Photographic New Years Resolutions"</a> for 2010.</p>

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<p>Josh, May is already almost over! I barely have time to use "National Photography Month" as a cheesy pickup line in a bar.</p>

<p>Next week I may have a chance to photograph someone swimming. It turns out one of our local folks has done a lot of swimming, like solo across the English Channel swimming. More and more people are swimming in lakes and rivers, locally, as part of enjoying open water swimming as a sport. </p>

<p>Maybe a "welcome to the great outdoors" type of thing. School's out for the summer. That kind of stuff.</p>

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<p>Hopefully, by May 31st I will have all new camera gear (lenses, body, lighting, meters) so I think that this will be a momentous National Photography Month for me. I hope to start a new phase in my photography life by treating myself to some big upgrades :)</p>

<p>Wondering if Hallmark has a card made for this month...</p>

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<p>Well I'm on vacation, starting right now, and I had already planned on doing a bunch of shooting when I go home to visit family. So I guess the fact that is National Photography Month...well... I guess I still really don't care. But thanks for letting me know.</p>
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<p>We will forgive you this time Josh, for not letting us know sooner about May being Photography month; BUT, if this happens again, I will have no choice but to beat you with a wet noodle, and then if it happens again, it will be with a dry noodle. You have been warned.<br>

Tonight, one of our granddaughters was in a school play, and I, of course, took a ton of pictures, both digital and using my beautiful N80 Nikon camera, which I have not used in about a year.<br>

I love this camera.</p>

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<p>I'm planning on shooting the interior atrium of the recently renovated building shown below just for fun.</p>

<p>I've passed this building for nearly three years without going into it until last Monday when I was awestruck and inspired with a walk through seeing what they did with it. It was like walking through an M. C. Escher engraving with its maze of stairwells leading down into catacomb like subfloors and small rooms that made up a fitness center, sauna and hot tub. I almost got lost. Lot of potential for taking some really moody and spooky looking shots throughout.</p>

<p>They made it quite upscale and kept most of the industrial components like a giant steel lifting hook attached to massive gear and pulley beam that spanned across the entire atrium.</p>

<p>Check out the story of the renovation here:</p>


<p>It's been in operation for several years and yet I can't find any images online that captures the interior the way I experienced it. I'm going to have a blast. The leasing manager gave me permission to shoot. Just waiting for a cloudless bright sunny day with the sun directly overhead so I'll have enough light and keep the contrast down. </p><div>00WVtM-246035584.jpg.b5048c88d7cd058ad90717188ba9d32e.jpg</div>

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<p>Well, at the moment I'm working on a series of photos from a photographer who just got back from Turkey. For myself I've made a beginning with editing my documentary of the people on a short oval racing track. Two years worth of shooting and now working there for the third and last year it's a tough job to edit it down to fifty photos.</p>

<p> </p><div>00WVtr-246039584.thumb.jpg.ac80df6c03b28423a93a65fe2eb6cabf.jpg</div>

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Finished up a third shoot on Thursday for a local magazine article and cover. Also shot a band for the same magazine. Shot a few concerts/events, and another is coming up tonight. Got another upcoming shoot for a different band's new CD. That's in addition to shooting just for fun on the weekends. It's been a very photographic month.<P>

<center><img src="http://mikedixonphotography.net/fbahryeon02.jpg"><br>

<i>an outtake</i></center>

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<p>My wife is a "Big Sister" to a freckly, sandy-haired kid at our local middle school who seems to be budding into a young photographer. I went along on her May visit with him at his school, and we went through his first digital camera's menus together. I answered his many wonderful, eager questions as best I could, until the hour had flown by.</p>
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<p>I just learned how to capture an image off digital video. This is of our MiniSShot flight, part of the Sugar Shot to Space project. For some things video is the way to go for what I like to refer to as a continuous stream of pictures. For example, we had an anomaly at 11,000 feet with the MiniSShot. Going over the video frame by frame we were able to extract information to compare with on board computer data. Would I have preferred the far superior resolution of a photograph? Absolutely and that is what we do for most of our work. It might be worth noting that for all the cameras clicking, this video image is the best picture we have of the liftoff.<img src="http://sugarshot.org/downloads/mov00914.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="450" /></p>
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<p>National Photography Month? Never heard of it before! Now I have another reason to love the month of May. . .other than that it's the month of my birthday ; ) I'll have to find some way to celebrate the month photographically. Only 9 days left now!</p>
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Spent the first week of May diving the Caribbean while trying to fine tune the results with my new strobe set up.


Returned home for two days before going out on a shoot taking promo stills with a documentary crew doing a doc on 2012.

Some of that was in Kansas in the bottom of a missile silo , had to be lowered to the bottom by a crane and some shooting in Colorado up at the tree line in a fall out shelter.


Now that I am home I will be heading back out to Tobermory to do some shooting for myself of the local orchids and other early season wildflowers..<div>00WVyB-246105584.jpg.ef915a7c48a849732c29935d936c3fa9.jpg</div>

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<p>Michael Di Marzio...I'm in Virginia also. I read your bio and understand you don't have a vehicle but if you can get to Richmond and go to Pony Pasture, it's a great place to take photos on the James River to use up a roll of film.</p>
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