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When is your lens outfit complete ?


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After ten years of scrimping and saving I would have to say that my Canon lens outfit is completete. No not all the

lenses are 'L' series, but they do cover the ranges of 20mm to 300mm. These are Pure Canon lenses no Sigmas or

Tamrons in there. Most are zooms, but there are a few primes thrown in there. I chose these lenses based on

reviews, comments, recomendations, to fit my needs etc and unless I drop one by mistake, Canon is not going to be

seeing me any time soon !

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<p>But what if there are new and (vastly) improved versions of some of your lenses released? Will you feel an urge to upgrade?<br>

Also, do you interests and needs will not change in the future?<br>

I went through my own lens collection last week, and realized I had three lenses I hardly used any more, and one (the 100mm macro), where an upgraded version had been released which would better meet my needs. So, I sold those four, and decided to buy the new 100mm IS macro lens - and well, maybe one or two fast primes as well.<br>

My interests have changed a bit in the past few years, and those changes are reflected in the lenses I use.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Never, I am hooked. I have upgraded through 25 lenses in 25 years, and I am currently at 8. I currently want to add 3 more, but can only do one, maybe two, this year. After those I would still like to add 2 more. Then there's one very expensive one and two exotics that I know I will never likely afford. </p>

<p>Mine are all primes, actually considering a zoom for the first time in many years. It has been 24 years since I have bought a NEW lens.</p>

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<p>Harry, I still lust after a few lenses in the current Canon lineup. However, those are more in the "would like to have" category rather than the "needed" category. I find most of my subject matter only requires two or three lenses. But there's nothing like getting that shiny new model and putting it through its paces. I'm always on the bleeding edge looking for that next new version.</p>
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<p>My collection will be complete when I have one of everything Canon makes.</p>


<p>No, wait…make that two or three.</p>


<p>In seriousness, I have everything I need. I’d like a 35 f/1.4 and a 300 f/2.8, but I’m not

entirely sure what I’d do with the former and the latter is a hell of a lot more money and weight over

the 300 f/4 I already have.</p>


<p>Not too long ago I bought a beat-to-hell 70-200 f/2.8 from the local pro shop for $800. Optically and mechanically it’s fine. If they get either of those lenses in similar condition for a similar price, I’ll probably pull the trigger; otherwise, I’m pretty much set.</p>





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<p>I guess I will never really know till I have some quality full hands-on time with some of the lens that I have yet to experience first hand. Some of the lens that spring immediately to mind are those awfully expensive long range primes, and even those relatively expensive Tilt Shift lens and even the Fish-eye types too.</p>
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<p>i bet you'll convince yourself you need a 14 or 400 within 2 years.<br>

Probably both :-)<br>

A collection is never complete. So keep on saving till you have all lenses Canon makes, or till your wife tells you you can't buy any more.</p>


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<p>I keep thinking this one is the last one I'll need for this <em>for that particular camera</em> , but then you realize that you don't have an ultrawide for that one, and so it goes, on and on...... Besides there are always new cameras, right?</p>

<p>Actually, for most of my old interchangeable lens film shooters (of DDR ancestry), I have pretty much got the old standard focal lengths of my youth (35mm, 50mm, (85mm,) 135mm) and then have a set of T-mount lenses that give me longer and shorter focal lengths on the same cameras if I ever need them for some reason. :)</p>

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<p>When is my collection complete? Probably never. ;-)</p>

<p>But in general I think that an extremely versatile yet reasonable outfit consists of:</p>

<p>1. General-purpose zoom.<br /> 2. Fast normal prime.<br /> 3. Telephoto zoom.<br /> 4. Macro.<br /> 5. Ultrawide.</p>

<p>Of course it depends on what you're shooting: a portraitist would probably trade the ultrawide for a fast medium telephoto prime, a landscape enthusiast might trade the macro for another wide angle option, etc.</p>

<p>Again, for my part my collection will probably be complete right around the time Canon introduces its next lens mount. Commence eye-rolling sequence.</p>

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<p>My lens collecting will be finished when my wife says it's finished! Seriously, though, my basic kit is complete now, but there's loads of room for improvement. With a little luck and an improving economy, I may be able to add a lens this year. Specifically I 'need' something longer than my 100mm f/2.8 Macro, and maybe a 50mm of higher quality than my 50mm f/1.8. Really, though, my kit is very capable even though it didn't cost me all that much.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>When is your lens outfit complete?</p>


<p>That's crazy talk! And of course, I'm only partly jesting. Because it would be a shame if a photographer found him/herself "complete" as a photographer, and not drifting into new styles of work, or new circumstances. Lenses are tools, suited to specific photographic jobs. I hope I'm never in a rut, photographically, that would leave me not wanting to work in a new way, on new subject matter, under new and changing conditions - and very likely with different (and currently undreamt-of) camera formats.</p>

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<p>I have 13 AIS Nikkors, from the 16mm f/2.8 to the 600mm f/4 ED, along with a TC-14B, and two Nikonos lenses. I have 4 C/CF lenses for my Hasselblad, from 40mm f/4 to 150mm f/4. Granted, it has taken me close to 30 years to enmasse that collection but I would say that my lens collection is complete. I honestly cannot see what other lens I would possibly need or want. The auto everything one-upmanship race can continue unabated, it will not affect me one iota. The older lenses were made to last forever, unlike the plastic ones today, so there will never be a need for me to upgrade, I already have the best.</p>
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<p>Shoot street? One 35 or 50 will complete your needs. Macro? well just buy the best macro on the market and be done with it. Portraits, Landscape? I won't continue but deciding what you want to photograph will go a long way in determining the lens (or lenses) you need. I can do most everything I need to do with a 28 and a fast 85. Your mileage may vary.</p>
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