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virginia sustarsic

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<p>I spent three nights in Copenhagen this spring on the way to a week in the Faroes . I'm sorry to say that I didn't find Copenhagen a terribly interesting city from a photography perspective or indeed from any other. Its not unpleasant, its just that there's little there to really stimulate you or your photographic imagination. The best of what we did was </p>


<li>Getting the bus up to the Little Mermaid and walking back to the middle of town along the harbour. </li>

<li>Using the harbour waterbus service to explore various areas along the waterside and the modern architecture. Buy a pass at the airport on the way in.</li>

<li>Taking the train out to the Grundvigskirke, a 1920's church in a near suburb which is nicely lit inside and unusual from any angle.</li>


<p>You'll note that neither Nyhavn ( a brightly coloured, unstructured mass of tourist restaurants and yachts) nor Tivoli (nowhere near as interesting as Disney or many other theme parks ) made my list. But I guess you'll do them since everyone does. </p>

<p>That aside, there are lots of museums ( we're not really big fans, didn't visit any of them) and some decent churches. Careful with the eating and drinking- Copenhagen is a place where you can spend much more than you're used to and still get just middling food. The thing I'd have liked to do (but gave up on after fairly cursory exploration) was to photograph "the Bridge" but was told it was difficult to get close to on foot. Sorry. </p>

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<p>Tivoli is small, but that is because it was the first entertainment park in the modern sense (1843). It is an Ok way to spend some time though. The Little Mermaid is completely overrated and in fact I recommend you avoid it altogether (but I doubt you will). You can see the guard and changing the guard at Amelienborg. I found the guardsmen not a patch on their British equivalents, but it's quite interesting. I liked the Carlsberg Glyptotek, and the buildings and streets are pleasant and show interesting domes and copper roofs. Lots of good bars and restaurants, but expensive. Nyhavn is indeed a tourist trap, but I'm sure you'll go there. I agree that Copenhagen is not an exciting city at all, but heaven is where nothing [bad] happens. You will find enough things to see in a few days. My recommendation is to spend a day in Roskilde (go on the train). This is a very quaint and attractive town with the cathedral containing the tombs of the Danish royal family. It is a short trip from Copenhagen.</p>
Robin Smith
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<p>The city has a nice 'nordic' flavor in architecture, especially.<br>

Interesting buildings, royal palace, harbor tour.<br>

The food is great in the best restaurants, including some good ones at Tivoli.<br>

I liked the place; they even pretended to understand my German pronounced as though it were Swedish. </p>

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<p>My wife and I were in Copenhagen this summer for two days before a Baltic cruise. It is a lovely city for walking and photography. I suggest you hire a guide for a half day or a full day and do a relaxed walking tour. Your hotel might be able to arrange it for you. The tour will take you to the most interesting spots and some others, like enclosed courtyards, not available to regular tourists. We spent a morning just walking from place to place in the Old City ending up at the waterfront, Inner Harbor. We never bothered to visit Tivoli. If you have time take a bus tour to some of the castles outside of the city. Kronborg Castle has excellent grounds and battlements. Frederiksborg Castle is really a museum. The rooms are just great and its chapel is wonderful, one of the best castle chapels I have ever been to. We saw both castles on an all day bus tour from Copenhagen. <br>

Joe Smith</p>

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<p>When I visited about 15 years ago there was definitely a photo ban of the activity on Pusher Street (where drugs are legally sold) in Christiana. The area is interesting as an experiment in social living. Have no idea if the photo ban still exists. I would also echo the recommendation for Roskilde, but mainly for the fine Viking ship museum there.</p>
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