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Are the photo ratings being mobbed by adolescent boys?

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<p>So I go click on the Top Rated Photos link, with the default options (All, Past 3 Days, Recent Ratings (average)) and 21 of the first 24 are female nudes. While I can certainly appreciate female nudes, this seems pretty lopsided to be a coincidence. My hypothesis? Pnet has become a prime destination for teenage boys who aren't smart enough to get around their parents filtering software. And what better way to make sure the boobs are easy to find than to try to vote them to the top?</p>

<p>Am I right? Or am I right?</p>

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<p>I don't know. Maybe the tastes of adolescent boys have changed but when I look through the 2 pages of nudes at the top of the recent ratings none of them seem particularly sexual. Surely somebody looking for pornography would be able to do better very easily.</p>
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<p>Jerry, I can't speak to this fabulous conspiracy to taint the minds of young boys (I never had it so easy), but I was waiting for an appointment and picked up the free Internet connection of the local school district. I thought I'd wander over to Pnet to check out what's going on, and low and behold, it is blocked for adult content. So maybe there is something to your theory; I don't know. Perhaps the fact the school district blocks access, might mean Pnet is infamous for this kind of activity.</p>
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<p>Guys lurrrvvv nekkid wimmins. And it shows in the ratings. Always has.</p>

<p>But I doubt many of 'em on photo.net are teenagers. There are much better places to go for that sorta thing. Anyway, the handful of teenagers we do have on photo.net tend to be pretty good kids, probably wanting solid info and looking for a challenge beyond what they get on more youth oriented sites.</p>

<p>And there's no photograph in any genre that can't be improved by pouring on more bokeh and HDR.</p>

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<p>Maybe I'm just jealous because we didn't have the intertubes when I was a teenager. I agree that the photos aren't particularly sexual, but when you're 14 and awash in hormones your standards are a bit lower. Maybe it's old men; it'll be a while before I have first hand experience in their thought processes, so I can't really extrapolate my hypothesis to them. It just caught me by surprise; seemed a little late to be an April Fool's Day joke.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>So you discovered that naked girls sell well. It is an interesting and unexpected finding indeed. I have a suggestion for you: sell the idea to advertising companies. For example, if they want to sell a car, perhaps if they put a beautiful girl with it in the photograph it will sell more... now that I think this could work for a lot of things: wait! I just had a nice idea. Tabloids should include photos of beautiful naked girls, perhaps they would sell more.Or what about a sport magazine doing a yearly special issue with amazing models in swimsuits?</p>

<p>How comes nobody ever had this idea before?</p>

<p>;-) L.</p>

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<p>The simple answer is "This is why we created the 'all -no nudes' filter"</p>

<p>There is really to way, short of genetic re-engineering of the human genome, to make people be not interested in looking at naked bodies. It's been this way for the whole of human existence.</p>

<p>However, you can just use the 'all -no nudes' filter and all will be good. Heck, the system even remembers what filter you used previously so you don't have to set it every time.</p>

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<p>Much as I like the female body and enjoy nudity, I do feel that nude pictures on PN, although quite often uninteresting, are generally overrated I do not believe however, that this is due to adolescents getting a secret glimpse of nude breasts on PN. As Luca and others have pointed out, the female nude is a world-wide acknowledged means of catching attraction and men of every age, creed and ethnicity are well-known for lessening their critical wits when challenged by a naked girl (on screen or on paper, not to mention a living one...). This is quite evident on PN, shown by the overrating of good nude pictures and even more by the high marks that awful nudes get - "awful" clearly referred to the shooting technique, not to the subject. So I guess we all are to blame, and we should probably abstain from rating when we perceive our sexuality aroused. However, it's a petty crime, so we can be quite benign about it.<br>


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