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looking for calendar publisher

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<p>Are you looking for a printer or publisher? Printers are easy-they all do it. If you want a standard publisher, you need to ask yourself (brutally honestly): Why would a publisher want to make a calender of my work? How can they make money off of this calender? Also, since you are an unknown quantity, they would normally not want to use your layout unless you can blow their sock off.</p>

<p>If you are trying to make them to sell, you can do it yourself through Lulu. You also might try Google <calender publishers> or <calender self publishing></p>

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<p>The first question is: how many do you want to make/sell?</p>

<p>If only a few, then the print-on-demand houses like Blurb, Lulu, etc. are pretty reasonable. If you want hundreds or thousands, you need to look at press printing and all that entails (i.e., huge up-front setup costs).</p>

<p>There's a huge difference in requirements between POD and press-printed so make sure you know which way you want.</p>


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<p>For a totally custom one-off, I'd just buy the paper I wanted to use and print it myself, or find a local fine-art printer to make it for you from your Photoshop or Quark files. Then have a local print shop bind it for you.</p>

<p>Think of it as a portfolio piece. If you want to sell someone on publishing your work, you have to make the best presentation possible. That to me precludes having a "big company" do the work. You want someone will pay special attention to your needs.</p>

<p>I wouldn't hold your breath on finding someone interested in publishing your pictures. Most "photo" calendars use photos from stock agencies. I'm looking at one now, it's a "picture a day" calendar, and in a couple of cases the stock house is credited.</p>


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<p>I had a friend who lost his job a few years ago decided to pick up a camera, a Nikon Coolpix at that and went around his neighborhood taking pictures of homes in the area. His wife who is a graphic designer for DC comics in NY , did the design work and they were able to create a book from the pictures he took.<br>

The printer they used is based in Hong Kong and according to them his prices are much cheaper than printers based here in the USA. I think the first order was for 500 books, less than 50 pages each.<br>

Then they ordered another batch after they sold the first one. Many of the peole who purchased this book were real estate agents from the neighborhood. They were also able to sell the book to local museums and at Art & Craft fairs. Even the Mayor of this town bought a book and invited them to a special presentation. </p>

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