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Will the Nikon News Propel Canon to Move?

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Will todays announcements make canon move faster or come with a camera that really answers my needs. I've long

wanted a digital EOS 3. Seems Nikon built in instead of Canon. I've been saying that 12mp is more than enough

for a year. I've been saying I don't need 10/sec for a year. It seems that nikon has built the 1D3 I wanted

(without the grip which i like but i can live without)

This is not me flaming - this is me hoping Canon has an answer - I don't want to give up my glass but with each

new camera it gets harder. My MarkII is getting really long in the tooth and I can see the difference between my

shots and those of the guys with the new cams especially in shadow detail

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me hear soon that Canon has something Big and dramatic up their sleeves soon...

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<i>My MarkII is getting really long in the tooth </i><br>Ditto - consider upgrading to the next generation. Whichever flavor of 1D you are using: 1D3 is a great camera (and a quantum leap from 1D2) and 1Ds3 is the best DSLR camera ever made.
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tell you what BJ - you send me the 8g's and it's done -

I don't need/want 21mp - i would have been very happy with 16 and higher iso/little faster nicer screen etc...basically a 1dsIIn...but they went overboard and the camera is better than most of the glass


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Nikon's D3 is making canon better I'd assume. Canon's supposed to have new product announcements in next 48

hours. Whats two more days? I knew about alot of this when I bought two brand new in their boxes 5D last 7 weeks,

assuming some rumors do play out as facts. Anyways have you priced pro lenses from Nikon versus Canon? Some

things are thousands more like 600mm f4, others like 24-70 2.8 are about a grand more. Look at 1.4x prices too. If

you want to consider switching to Nikon because of D3 and D700 you should study all the prices to make best

informed choice if your budget matters.


That July 1st 2008 D700 is a screaming deal and $3,000 usa launch saves you $1,000 over UK launch and $1,600

EU. Nikons second full frame dslr with Dual glass

formats is something I wonder if Canon can respond to? For me all I own is full frame eos and adapted other brand

lenses so I have zero need for being able to use canon's crop format ,1.6x aps-c. I personally like the incredibly tall

built-in flash on this newest ful frame dslr.


My favourite rumor mill concerning D700




Same place for Eos Links:







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SO... Nikon released a 12.1 megapixel full-frame camera without the massive body.<p>


Canon already accomplished this 3 years ago- it's called the 5D. Yes, I suspect there are a plethora of "features" that distinguish the D700 from the 5D, but my 5D does everything I need and then some, including great high-ISO performance in near darkness. I am not wanting for any additional features.<p>


This reminds me of the release of Windows 95. Amidst all the hype was the "joke" that it was already done in the form of Mac '84...<p>


What am I missing here?

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I agree, I must be missing something. Its a biggish deal for Nikon users (although won't it irritate D300 owners?) but

why the fuss when you are a Canon user? I also have to agree with Lindy, whatever you say about the relative merits

of Canon lenses, their prices are very good overall.

Robin Smith
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Every new advancement is great news, irrespective of manufacturer. Now that Nikon has released its own 5D, Canon's 5D is no longer a niche product. (THANK GOD!) Here's the market as they describe it: "Nikon FX-format performance combined with superior mobility and functional versatility." Yup, that's my 5D, and that's why I like it. It's the world's smallest full frame DSLR (or perhaps now it's tied for that title). The competition is on. I think Canon's 5D will no longer be stuck in this rut of no upgrades, simply because it was a unique product.


One thing about the 700D I find very interesting: "Active D-Lighting automatically compensates highlights or shadows while you shoot, creating images with natural contrast ? even in difficult lighting" (The question mark after 'natural contrast' is theirs, not mine.) I understand this to be automatic contrast compression in contrasty scenes. Do you think they're talking about RAW format, or just how the image is crammed into a JPG? (I suspect the latter, but the former would be nice -- if that's even possible.)


Go Nikon! Booyah! Woohoo! :-)

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<i> Asher . , Jul 01, 2008; 10:24 a.m.


SO... Nikon released a 12.1 megapixel full-frame camera without the massive body.


Canon already accomplished this 3 years ago- it's called the 5D. Yes, I suspect there are a plethora of "features"

that distinguish the D700 from the 5D, but my 5D does everything I need and then some, including great high-ISO

performance in near darkness. I am not wanting for any additional features.


This reminds me of the release of Windows 95. Amidst all the hype was the "joke" that it was already done in the

form of Mac '84...


What am I missing here? </i>




Amen to that. Canon still has the fastest DSLR in the industry and the highest MP DSLR on the market. Nikon is

finally catching up.

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Canon's plans won't have been changed by today's announcement (which has been long foreshadowed). Remember 2008 is a Photokina year, so there are bound to be announcements of new models from all the serious camera manufacturers, including Canon - something that they have known for a while, so they are expecting even more competition than just the Nikon D700. There is plenty of speculation as to what models Canon might be planning to release, some of which may be better founded than most of it, but nothing that really constitutes a leak. In the short term, their focus will be on launching the 1000D.
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Asher - The difference is the D200/300/700 is build like a tank and fits like a hand crafted leather glove compared to the 5D. I was shooting in salt spray and splash all day sunday with my D200 and didn't even worry. If I'd been with a non-sealed 5D, my shoot would have been over.


Robin - Go hold a D300 in your hands for 15 minutes, then hold a 5D. The ergonomics of the Nikon have always bested Canon.

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<i>"The difference is the D200/300/700 is build like a tank and fits like a hand crafted leather glove compared to the 5D. I was shooting in salt spray and splash all day sunday with my D200 and didn't even worry. If I'd been with a non-sealed 5D, my shoot would have been over.</i><p>


Are you sure about that, Aaron? The 5D is no wall-flower. It's solid, fits my hand just fine, and it can hold its own in the rain and spray. Just because you would have been worried doesn't mean that your worries would be justified.<p>


If weather-sealing is the only main difference, then stuff a $60 Kata rain cover in your bag and move on...

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i have had all these in my hands and shot many of them. I am a giant canon apologist (we have better primes, we did it first, etc etc) but it is getting harder and harder. Sure you're 5d is still a decent camera but you really can't believe that it is as good as this new round of cameras. Some of you act as though you work for canon or are counting on stock dividends to survive. For the last 5 years I never had to look at anyone and say - "wow - you've got a better camera than me" but now...well that has changed. The zooms for nikon are more expensive but they are better. The 5D was undisputed for years but so was mike tyson. doesn't mean he is still the best.

All I'm saying...said...whatever is that I hope that canon can swing hard and knock one out of the park...it's been awhile


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<i>"Sure you're 5d is still a decent camera but you really can't believe that it is as good as this new round of cameras. Some of you act as though you work for canon or are counting on stock dividends to survive. For the last 5 years I never had to look at anyone and say - "wow - you've got a better camera than me""</i><p>


No offense Joseph, but that's a load of hogwash. Firstly, I don't work for Canon. Secondly, "good" is totally subjective. I could give rat's arse what features new cameras have if my camera does everything I need and want. Thirdly, I never give a crap what other people are shooting with, or whether they "have a better camera than me". I admire others' work, i.e. vision, ideas, originality, creativity, work ethic etc, and not their gear.

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I agree with Sarah completely. I think it's high time that Canon had some competition against its 5D. I still think the 5D is a great camera, and for my own purposes, it will be more camera than I will need for many years to come. I just think that with a little competition, we'll see the 5D-line updated more often, and we'll see prices come down much faster for both companies' products. Competition is good for everyone!
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"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me hear soon that Canon has something Big and dramatic up their sleeves soon..."


They did the 40D, the XSi and Xti a bunch of Point and Shoots(where the money really is) and the 21.1 megapixel mark III. If that is not enough to ak for then I don't know. Guys first learn how to shoot a camera, any camera , then maybe take a couple of courses in Digital Editing. Keep your 5D, because there's is nothing wrong with it, you will save a few hundred bucks.

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"Robin - Go hold a D300 in your hands for 15 minutes, then hold a 5D. The ergonomics of the Nikon have always bested Canon."


I've heard this for years, and I've held more than one Nikon in my hands. But, ergonomics are highly subjective, what "fits like a glove" to one person may feel lousy to another. Besides, with all the cameras I've owned over the years, there's never been one that I didn't get used to.

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when you are selling images then you care

the 5d is slow and old and you can't trust the lcd (i hear the chorus of the histogram works....yes it does)

The main point is your guys are acting like I'm attacking canon product...I'm not. I'm attacking canon arrogance and laziness over the past two years.

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<i>"when you are selling images then you care the 5d is slow and old"</i><p>


I've published magazine and newspaper photos, using a single 5D body. If you're finding it too slow, then the problem is in your hand and eyes, not the camera.

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I remember a couple of years ago during a similar discussion, saying that I didn't want to see Canon's and

Nikon's new offerings devolve into a few new questionable doodads and a couple of more MP with each new camera.

I'm not sure that's not happening. Live view is a real yawn IMO and it's probably true for most although I'm sure

some find it useful now and then. 14 bit processing is good but it's difficult to see the improvement in the

picture. As for the rest of it, I don't see anything compelling enough to run out and buy a new camera unless you

just want one, as good a reason as any, I suppose.


Afaics, ever since DSLRs hit about 8MP and started out-resolving all but the best film, it's just been more MP,

that's OK to a point, and a lot of new, specialized features that may appeal to some, but don't have enough

broad based appeal to be considered break through technology, something that almost everyone would want.


Most people know that buying the latest and the greatest isn't going to make them better photographers, but it's

fun and people like their toys. As for me, I'm not as good as my 5D, I doubt a new camera will make me any better.

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