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People just will not critique me!

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Ok..... I know this question has been asked a billion times but i want to know why

no one ever critiques me. i'm not sure if its cause i'm too much of a beginer that

the "pros" just don't want to bother. I just would really like to know if i'm doing

something wrong in my pictures and how i can fix it. I mean it woulld really help if

people would give some feed back. I've put all my pictures on the critique forum

but...... no critiques! I thought that was the whole perpose of this website. Maybe

theres just too many people and i get "kicked-out" of the forum too quick. I don't


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My first observation is that you've only, yourself, ever commented on 13 other images. The most important way to get folks to stop by and comment on your images is to spend time thoughtfully doing so. Not just saying that you like someone else's image, and that they should look at yours.


You need to offer specific criticism, and when possible provide some insight into what you understand about the techniques, the thinking behind the image, and so on. Showing real engagement in the image, or practical commentary on how someone facing a challenge might improve... that's what tells other people that you're engaged enough in the process to make them want to look through your work, as well.

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I think Ronald is dead on. Espcially with critter pictures, a sense of narrative, or anticipation can really drive the image. Centering the image around the animal can erode some of that. The horses's eye, the Caracara, the deer... all would benefit from some rules-of-thirds, or at least a nod that direction. It give some room for the image's story to play out in the imagination.
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Wow Colton...you are only one year older than my son! You are truly talented and have lots of time to advance to perfection. Keep doing what you love and one day you'll be soon critiquing others here on this site..including the pros. If photography is your passion, take the critiques and turn them into steps to excellence!
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It is true there are lots of people here and lots of work to look at. Also, you have only been here a few weeks. Start commenting a lot yourself, and you will probably start getting more traffic by your portfolio.

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Colton, my advice is value the negative comments more than the postitive ones. You can't really learn all that much from people who think just like you do. The biggest learning opportunities come from the people who are coming from a totally different mindset.


This doesn't mean you have to be a doormat and let people hurt your feelings, but well meant and well intentioned and well informed negative criticism is like gold. Try to use it wisely,

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Hi Colton!


When I was new to PN I asked the very same question you did, and I got similar answers. Since then, I've made it a point to try and learn how to comment, that is, to learn how to describe what I see in a photo so I can comment constructively. Once I started leaving comments on other folks' photos, they started looking at and commenting on mine. Now, I've made a bunch of PN friends, and they've been great with constructive criticism, suggestions, some praise (we do need it, even if we don't grow as we do with challenges), and I've learned bunches and still going. I've also found, much to my surprise and relief, that the people who are super accomplished are generally very open to critique, want to know what others think, and they often really want to know how their images affect others, aesthetically and emotionally. They are also some of the best teachers, both because they know what they're doing, and they've been where you are and haven't forgotten it.


I'm gonna head over to your gallery now, and I will leave a comment or two. I hope your experience here turns positive, and I'm sure it will.

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Don't allways look at people not commeting on your work as a bad thing. They might like your work, but have nothing to say. I been posting pictures on here since 2003 and I can count the number of critiques I got on my 10 fingers. When the 3/3 Rage was going on, I decided to post pictures for "critique only", otherwise I would have sold all my gear and given up on photography totally.
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"Don't allways look at people not commeting on your work as a bad thing. They might like your work, but have nothing to say"


Harry I agree with this. Sometimes even if I like a picture very much, "I feel blank and nothing to comment".

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Lots of photos competing for attention, not enough people to view, rate and comment.


In March this year I started rating and critiquing again for the first time in years. It's a lot more difficult than I'd expected. So many photos, so little time.


Don't worry about the numbers. They serve one purpose: to get photos into the Top Rated gallery. You don't even need particularly high ratings to get into the TR gallery. But you do need ratings. Even low or average ratings might do the trick, as long as you get enough of 'em. It's an indicator that people are looking and cared enough to bother to offer an opinion, if only a numerical opinion.


BTW, no matter what others may say, numerical ratings *are* legitimate opinions. If you know how to interpret them, they mean just as much as words. What's the difference between someone writing "Good exposure and composition" and 3/3 or 4/4? Nothing. Both say exactly the same thing: a lukewarm to "Hey, not bad" critique.


If you get a 4/4, you're doing pretty well. Photo.net critics are pretty demanding and 4/4 usually indicates the photo was well composed, well exposed and has no significant flaws. Get a 5 or higher and give yourself a pat on the back.


No ratings or comments at all? Don't fret. Not everybody likes everything. Just keep clicking that shutter.

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