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Seeking Canon EF Camera Information


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<p>Hi All!<br>

My 1st EF body s/n: 230150 / date code: O1015 / center spot microprism. Acquired in used but very clean condition one week before X-mas 2009. One issue so far: battery check LED always stays on with batteries installed - even when main switch is turned OFF. Meter works correctly, otherwise. </p>

<p>I love it so much, I bought another one two days after new year 2010, again, from the local C/L. This 2nd EF body s/n: 219863 / date code: O1013 /center spot microprism. This one looks to have been through a lot more use (some brassing on top plate edges) and seems to have a complete opposite malady as the 1st one whereas the LED only flickers sporadically. It won't light up even when the red B/C button on the bottom of the camera is pressed. Oh well, at least the meter and everything else seem to function correctly.</p>

<p>I will post other findings as encountered. Meanwhile, any suggestions/advice on how to remedy the buggy LED quirk will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance and Happy New Year to all.</p>


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<p>Hello there,first wish you all Happy New Year.<br>

I am from the Netherlands and bought my first EF 2 weeks ago.Used but still looking good.So I am seeking for info on internet and found this site,exactly what I am looking for.Grate to find same collectors and lovers of these-- Black Beauties-- as Jean Moxhet early this forum wrote.I agree this is a Black Beauty of Canon's legacy.My EF has the nr.267174.Some people here noted a date code,but what is this code and can I find it on the camerabody?Mine has the microprism only.Thanks for being on PHOTO.NET forum.Hope get a response on my question.Charles</p>

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
<p>I guess I'm just a sucker for a nice, clean EF kit. My latest one has a s/n of 4064xx, a build code of R231 (Feb 1977) and the split-image RF w/microprism collar. The camera has very little brassing and came with three minty breech lock lenses, an FD50mm f/1.4 SSC, a convex FD35mm f/2 SSC and an FD135mm f/2.5 SC.</p>
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<p>My Canon EF's serial number is 256309 and it has the earlier microprism focusing circle screen. It is a beaut of a design, and it ceased being sold in 1978, by which time it must have been old hat - size wise, despite packing in so much extras, full aperture, silicion metering, copal square shutter, iso 12-3200 and MLU et al</p>
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

<p>Last week on fleab... temptation was too strong, how can I resist to a nice EF in direct sale for 30€ with saler living just few km from my place. Conclusion, I'm weak and now proud owner of a 3rd "Black Beauty".<br />It's a first model with microprism, #254499 P118, so from 1975/01, just as my oldest EF. I bought it in perfect condition (except the spring of the synchro flash socket that is a little bit loose) from first owner who was saling his old FD material. He explained me that in early 70's, he bought a first EF and after few years of use, he changed it to a F1. But he was missing the EF so he bought a new one as back-up body. During years, he had other FD bodies (AE-1, New-F1,...) but he allways kept the EF. He had no interresting lens or accessories but I missed his New-F1 sold for 45€ directly as soon the add published. I have seen that body in top condition, so somewhere, a happy guy is waiting for his new toy "perfect deal"...</p>

<p>Now time for update to the "photo.net Black Beauty EF statistic figures":<br />66 EF are actually owned by 48 happy members of the forum. 13 owners have more than 1 of then, it's more than 1/3 ... Black Beaty is a love affair!</p>

<p>Asap some scan of pics shooted with one of my EF.</p>

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<p>Waiting process and scan of pics shooted with one of my EF, here a pic of my 3 Black beauties.<br>

From right to left in chronological order:<br>

- the "new" one (microprism 1975/01) without strap and mounted with 28/2.8, I prefer my 24/2.8 but it's actually used by my father on his F-1 New.<br>

- the previous microprism (also 1975/01) mounted with a nice chrome-noose 50/1.4.<br>

- the youngest EF known on that forum (1977/07) mounted with 85/1.8, I like that lens! One day I hope to have the opportunity to buy a 80/1.2L but until that pontential future, I have lot of pleasure to shoot with the 1.8 version.</p>

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  • 2 months later...

<p>My Black Beauty arrived from the local 'Bay today. Slightly brassed on the corners but otherwise looking good.<br>

I'll put a roll through it before sending it out for a CLA. Apart from the MLU, one feature which Canon should have kept up is the ability to load the film and keep winding to frame 1 without having to fire the shutter for each frame until you hit number 1. No brainer really. Perhaps it was too hard with the film advance mechanism used for the A series. (I still like my AE-1 and A-1, whilst my T90 has been a bit neglected lately).<br>

Apart from using my FD glass it will also become a superior platform for my M42 Takumars. I always wanted a Spotmatic with a) Silicon photocell metering - ala Fujica ST605N plus b) Copal square shutter - ala Yashica TL Electro X and I get a more robust body into the deal. I have to say that the old Takumars look very at home on this metal-bodied monster. My FDn lenses look more at home on my Canon bodies. The only Canon breechlock lens I have which cosmetically suits the EF well is an FD 85-300 SSC f4.5 which is a bit of a beast to lug around and generally requires at least a monopod for stable shooting.<br>

Ah well, there will a lot of lens swapping between this buch over the next few months.<br>

Date code is P117, Jan '75? Serial is 235499 and it has microprism focus aid only.</p>

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
<p>I live in the Netherlands and have been fascinated by Canon's F1 and EF ever since I first saw them in the mid-seventies. Unfortunately, they were simply too expensive, so I bought the FTb that has served me faithfully for over 30 years. With the advent of internet and eBay, I jumped at the opportunity of finally being able to acquire the cameras of my dreams at affordable prices and since then, have garnered a small collection of Canon, Asahi Pentax, Olympus en Nikon SLRs.<br /> My two Black Beauties were both bought on eBay in 2008 and, apart from the usual slight brassing, are in mint condition and work like a breeze. Nr. 226083 (from Spain) has the microprism, nr. 383330 (from the Netherlands) has the split-image focusing screen.<br /> When I had my first EF serviced, my excellent camera tech Will van Manen - who, if I remember correctly, used to work for Canon and actually contributed to the EF's development - told me about how the EF was intended as a 'new improved' F1 and removed the base plate to show me some 'evidence': provisions for a motor drive that was never to be. And anyone ever wondered why the EF has a removable back?<br /> Being more into aesthetics than technique, I didn't really absorb all he told me, but if anyone is interested in more specifics (or great service): http://www.kamera-service.info/</p>
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  • 4 weeks later...

<p>I just bought one from Goodwill and here is the information on it:<br>

S/N 272115<br>

Date Code P319<br>

Microprism ring with split-image focusing screen.</p>

<p>It's a very nice camera and just resealed it using Jon Goodman's kit. Everything seems to work and the shutter speed seems accurate so Iwill run a roll of film through it before having to send it in for a CLA.</p>

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Hey everyone, I picked up an EF about a month ago in really clean cosmetic condition, unfortunately the electronics aren't functioning (even with new batteries installed) so I've only been able to use it mechanically w/o batteries. I resealed it myself and ran some film through the camera, everything came back just fine, no light leaks or anything like that.</p>

<p>Anyways, my camera has SN: 394429 and date code: R131. I actually have the original paperwork that came with the camera, as well as the original purchase receipt from 1977.<br>

<br />I'm a T90 fan myself but I do enjoy this camera. I may or may not send it out for repair. I still kind of want an F-1 (as well as an EOS 1N for all my AF lenses ) so it may head off to a new home eventually.</p>

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  • 2 months later...
<p>I'm new to photography and have been looking for a camera to learn about picture taking. I did some research and found the Canon EF to be a very good camera. The only potential issue appears to be the 1.3 volt mercury batteries. Mercury batteries are no longer sold in the U.S. The Canon EF relies on the battery for the metering and having anything but the mercury-based 1.3volt batteries will affect the accuracy of the metering. Has anyone encountered this problem? What replacement batteries are available on the market? And are they reliable and easy to find? <br /> thank you</p>
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<p>You are new to photography, your research and assertion about the 1.35 Volt Mercury cells is incorrect, the EF has a self regulating battery circuit and works correctly and gives correct exposures with ordinary 1.5 Volt PX625A Alkaline batteries without modification, I've been using them for years read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_EF_camera</p>
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<p>I had no idea this thread had been started over three years ago but I spotted it when it got active again and wanted to contribute info on my two EFs:</p>

<p># 410871, code R432, ring with split image viewfinder<br>

# 314442, code P1124, same viewfinder as above</p>


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