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Spectacular Sunrise Today!

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I understand Matthew! I've resolved that the only autumnal photo this year will be a red virginia creeper shot. I've got one in my portfolio but it's poorly focused (I'm using wind as an excuse for that) and I'm keeping an eye out for the opportunity to improve on it. Given the drought, it promises to be a short ugly foliage season her in MD anyway.
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In Northern Georgia, @ 7:00 to 7:30 AM, the light was a distinct and beautiful pastel pink. Pink and orange clouds above, patches of blue sky. All the color distortions you can imagine on the ground. I actually woke my wife up to have a look. Pray for rain.
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From another John G... in Chattanooga (bordering northern Ga.) it was ten shades of grey with (thank God) 3.5" of rain in the past 24 hrs. Drought city here... Over 20" below normal rainfall, so the rain was much needed. I had almost forgot how much I enjoy rain...
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