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Is there a spell check on this forum ?

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Sorry folks, I know this is a stupid and irrelevant non-photo question, but as

we age gracefully, our eyes are not what they used to be. Currently, my

progressive lenses with flare-guard are pretty hard to adjust to. You sort of

have to be at the exact distance from your monitor so your eyes don't play

tricks on you, which amounts to allot of typos. One of things I wish PN had, is

a way to edit your post.

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Hi Harry, To my knowledge there's no way to either edit a previous post or spell check anything within Photonet's site, unfortunately.


I've worn glasses since I was in the 2nd grade and I'm zeroing in on the big 5-0 and hoping to age gracefully myself. In the mean time if you have a word processor you can use it to compose your text, spell check it and then post... but alas, no edit function. ;-)

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"If you used Firefox as your browser, you would find it has a built-in spell check for forms"


Now you tell me ! I had a Free version of FireFox browser but I deleted it last weeken when I was perfoming maintenance on my C: drive.

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Harry,It sounds like you're having trouble as a first-time progressive wearer. True? If so, try raising or lowering your chin until the subject comes into focus. The whole point to progressives is that there's a part of the lens that works at (almost) any distance.



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My 100 buck WebTv browser has a spell check feature, but, alas, it can't catch words that are spelled differently for a different meaning, as in

"here" and "hear." Also, it is powerless against bad or missing punctuation , syntax, grammar, and capitalization, etc., irregardless 2 udder.

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I'm a long time Firefox user, but for a while had ignored the little boxes that wanted me to upgrade every time they popped up.


As soon as I heard about the built in spell checker, I was sold, and had upgraded as soon as I could.


The Firefox spell checker has to be one of the greatest innovations ever added.


By the way, I just discovered that the built-in spell checker considers firefox to be an incorrect spelling, while Firefox registers as correct.

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Actually, there IS one little spell-checking feature built into photo.net... just try posting something with the word "aperture" spelled "aper-a-ture" (minus the dashes). That is one of the proprietor's pet peaves, and he hard-coded the system to disallow it. I got a chuckle from that the first time it busted me. Now if it could just correct those posts that start out "I saw an ad for a D200 for only $800" by reaching out and smacking the user on the head...
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As Bruce has mentioned, some of us seem to be divided by a common language. I understand that some strange people even keep clothes in their closet!


As far as my spelling limitations are concerned, if a word looks wrong I use an old fashioned device which I call a dictionary. But admittedly it doesn't correct for typing slips.


With quite a lot of people, English isn't their first language while others are dyslexic so while a spell checker may help in the search for gramatical perfection there is a risk of losing the crux of someones question/answer. Whatever happens we will still need to be tolerant.

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<em>"... Google 'iespell' for a free spell checker for Internet Explorer</em>..."</p>


<p>Thanks for the link, Bob. I downloaded and installed it and just checked this post. It

didn't like "Google" or "iespell," but I added them to the dictionary

and now I get a clean check. Woo HOO! (Cheap thrills.)

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Except if you use MS Word as default, any quote marks will be rendered as questions marks in the forum.


The best solution is always Firefox. It's far more secure than IT and provides loads more functionality.

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