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Anyone know about Hallmark Institute of Photography?


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I have applied to Hallmark and have received conditional acceptance after the interview. I will be sending in my application and will be waiting on financing.


I would like to ask some things from people who have attended the school previously


- My impression is that the program is very intense - and you are working late into the night at some points. My question is what exactly are you working on? Is it photoshopping the pictures you have taken already to get them ready for your portfolio? Is it shooting and re-shooting the pictures until they are exactly right? I guess I am having a hard time clearly understanding what you spend so much time working on - espcially if you spend some class time shooting.


- I currently have a job that I *may* have to leave if I attend Hallmark. It's an IT job that I do remotely, online and it is very, very relaxed. I am just wondering if I will have enough time after classes and during the day (lunch?) to do the tasks at my job that are required. The job only requires up to 10-12 hours of work a week, many times less, but at times requires a continuous stretch of 4 hours of work.


- For the people that have pursued jobs working at other studios, could you please let me know what the pay range of that type of job is? At present I am most interested in working at another studio after I would graduate from Hallmark - as this would be an extension of my education. However, I do not know anything of the pay scale of those jobs and the benefits (healthcare being the most important).


Thank you so much - I am sending my application tomorrow!

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It's an intense program for sure.


I know people that held small part time jobs while attending. I pulled a few all nighters during my ten months but I think everyone has done that with school at some point.


It is possible to do other things it's just a matter of how you manage your time and tasks.


As for jobs, the position you land will determine your pay scale. There are many functions in a portrait or commercial studio. It's really about what you want to do and how you want to make your money.


If indeed you go to Hallmark you will know better what you want to do when you graduate.


Good luck!

Wayne Wallace


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Hello All,<br><br>


A BIG congratulations to everyone who's been accepted. I wish you all the best of luck <br><br>


About dSLRs:<br>

A couple people asked about dSLRs I think. I recommend the nikon d200 personally. It's a great camera and easy to use and will definitely keep you going after school. If you have more money to spend, there's the d2x . Also, I've heard rumors about new models that nikon might put out soon, so you might want to do some research about that before deciding. <br><br>


If you want to go canon I recommend spending more money and get one of the 5ds or mark 3 what ever it's called. Sorry, I don't know my canon model numbers very well. Get the next model up from the 30d. If you don't have that much money, find yourself a 20d. There isn't too much of a difference between the 20d and 30d. <br><br>


Honestly you can't really go wrong getting either brand in the end. The best thing to do is to find someone or someplace that will let you get your hands on each model you consider and let you play with it a little. Get the one that is easiest for you to use. There's plenty of reviews out there too. As far as lens choice. Get good lenses. Don't short yourself in that area. You will probably have the lenses longer than you'll have the camera body. Fast lenses made well will last you a long time.<br><br>




- You will be working on pretty much everything late into the night all throughout the year. How much you do at night and exactly what you're doing will depend on how far into the program you are and how much you manage to do during the day. You can expect to be doing computer work (retouching, website work, printing, scanning), photographing (especially commercial work, since models are harder to find the later at night it gets), finish work (matting etc), and possibly a few other things. It really depends on the time of year and how much you can do during the day. Also, don't count on the school being open 24/7 towards the end of the year like is previously mentioned in this forum. I heard from a friend in the current class that the school had to close around 11pm? or somewhere there abouts all year.<br><br>


- Personally I would say quit the job. Hallmark leaves little time for anything else. You won't have time over lunch at all, as you only get an hour for lunch and if you want to eat and be on time to class, that isn't a lot of time. You would only be able to pull a 4 hour shift after classes, and as the year progresses any spare time is usually used to photograph, do computer work, try to eat, or try to sleep. It probably wouldn't be impossible to pull off, but I wouldn't recommend it.<br><br>


- I don't really have any information to give you for your last question. Pay rates will vary quite a lot depending on the job and whether you are part time or full time.. small studio vs. a high-volume ... as well as from area to area. Your best bet is to do some research into the type of place you want to work and the area you want to be in and go from there.<br><br>


Well, everything else appears to have been answered. As always, feel free to email me.<br>

- Jules

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Hello all!


Well being accepted sure was exciting but now i have to go through the headache of financial aide. My husband is German so he cannot be my co-signer. We have the money to go it just will not be transfurable to a US bank account until October. So i have to get a loan until then. Grr this is poopsie! Well i hope all of you have better luck at this than I am!

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I too have just been accepted. Now I have to figure out the money part and how I will help my wife with family obligations and my daughter with school when needed. Seems like I will have a lot of things to juggle. Anyone know what the rejection rate is for Hallmark?
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  • 2 weeks later...

hello everyone - i haven't been on in quite a while. My husband and I have been really busy, we just moved in with some family for our last month in Oregon to save rent money, and we've had several family weddings going on. i guess it is that time of year.


Samantha - don't know if we've 'properly' met, but i'm sally. It's great that you have been accepted as well. It looks like the two of us started the whole process close to the same time. How fun!


I just turned 23, so i guess we're pretty close in age. My husband is coming with me, he's 25, and really easy to get along with. Maybe you and your husband and me and mine could get together sometime? That is, if time allows. Everybody keeps talking about how time consuming this program is. I'm getting a little nervous, but also very excited.


Anyhow, thanks to everyone who has answered so many of our questions. I honestly can't wait to meet those of you on this forum that will be attending this Fall. Can you believe it's only 2 months away!!!???


Good luck with all the financial stuff. I'm working on all mine right now too. I little nerve-wracking, thinking about the amount, and responsibility of it all, but i know it's sooo worth every penny to have the career that fullfills you as a person. I'm very excited and honored to be a part of this program.


O.k. i think i've babbled on enough for once. Thanks again everybody.


Sally Metzger

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A BIG Congrats to all of you that will be attending Hallmark in a few months.


This is the start of a whole new exciting life for you. It's will be hard and you will work but, trust me it's the best thing I ever did in my life. I love my job and my life as a photographer.


When you officially get started be sure to sign up for the http://www.HallmarkHipsters.net blog and start contributing.


As you will see the class of 2007 just finished and they are eager to get out there in the real world and start having fun after a well deserved break that is!


I know of at least 5 Hallmark grads that will be coming to Vegas very soon.

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Congratulations to all of the Class of 2007. How was graduation? I bet it was a big sigh of relief that you made it. Any who CoNgRaTs!!!



I have made it throught the financial aide so now it is on to enrollment. Can anyone tell me what they will be wanting paperwork wise because it takes a little while to get things mailed back and forth and I would rather have it ready if I need to contact my high school or someplace like that for paperwork...that was a long sentence... sorry....also can anyone tell me and other Class of 2008ers what type of school suplies will be needed. Because when i fly to the states i will have very little time to get school supplies. Plus I would rather have German stuff. Like do we need a back pack or tablets...etc... wow i need a course in paragraph writing apparently ;)


Sally~Hello! Nice to meet you also.We will deffinatly have to meet up. Who knows maybe the boys can hang out while we are in school or maybe they will want to be our little models:)So...please call me Sammie. I am on myspace gobbs and i would love to add new friends that i will meet soon...ahhh!.... so www.myspace.com/sammiejeane is my little url thingy.`:)


Ok all. I am getting very excited to meet all of my fellow class mates. I cannot wait to start this new chapter in our lives together. Blessings!! Sammie

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HEY Jules, i dont know if you remember me but we started talking the spring before you went in to hallmark, i got excepted that years but i was sure i couldnt get the funding about half way in.


But more good news i got accepted again this year, so im working my ass off to get in for sure this time. i read that you still live near there. well if you remember me, it would be good to talk to you



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Just wanted to share with you about the requirement for the Mamiya 645 at Hallmark. I found a store in Boston (Calumet) that would sell Mamiyas at a very low price, through the MAC-group, with a student ID.


They sell much more stuff at a substantially low student discount. Mamiya 645AFD II with 80mm lens and 120/220 magazine was $2999. It's $3999.0 at bhphotovideo.


you can check it out at http://www.mac-on-campus.com/main/




Rahul Rathi

CDIA@Boston University

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Hello! <br>

Sam: <br>

In what context do you mean what does the school consider health problems? I'm not quite sure what you're asking.<br><br>


If you mean has a pregnant woman ever attended hallmark? I don't know, but I would imagine that it would not be the wisest idea as it is very stressful and I don't think that would be good for the pregnancy. If you mean have they come to have pictures taken, yes they have!<br><br>



You can also find good deals on ebay or buying from previous students. If you want to get the gear cheaper, I would first try to find a student selling theirs or check on ebay.<br><br>


- Jules

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In response to Rahul's post about Mamiya 645


If you're enrolled and attending Hallmark I'd wait until you start school before you do anything with equipment. I know your very eager to run out and buy something but you don't need to.


Hallmark has a very good relationship with Mamiya and was instrumental in creating the whole student discount program with Mamiya's president Jan Lederman. The MAC group is a big supporter of the school. No other school has this type of relationship. In fact your first week you will have a field day with the Mac group and test a bunch of equipment.


There are many benefits to buying your camera and other equipment through the school including the best discount prices available. You will find out about all the other benefits in your first week of school. Things that no other dealer can give you.


Also, now Hallmark assigns each student a ($18,000) Leaf Aptus Digital back for their camera which is a huge benefit! My class didn't get this benefit. You never know what new things Hallmark has in store for the next class.


Hallmark is constantly changing and improving the program so don't listen to anyone else when it comes to equipment. Everyone's advice including mine is just speculation as they change the program requirements all the time.


Hallmark really tries to take care of their students so don't be so quick to run out and buy something from anyone else. I speak from experience.


I bought a Hasselblad H1 not the Mamiya and wish that I had just done what everyone else did because it was a hassle (no pun intended). I was lucky that I was able to borrow what I needed at crunch time but it made it much harder to get my work done. I love my H1 but the program is designed around everyone following suit and getting the same equipment. And god forbid you have problems with your equipment in the middle of crunch time. If you buy from the school you will get way way better repair support and loaners. If you buy from a store you may hose yourself.


During my year, the MAC group came to the school and checked everyone's camera for problems and fixed them on site because we had some film loading issues with some of the cameras. Now that's support you won't find anywhere else.

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hey, i like most people found this while searching for information about the school, i just got recommended for acceptance after my interview and i have to write a request for admissions cosideration letter. can anyone give me tips on how to start this im no good at writing and sounding professional :\
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Mine was not very professional and I had to write mine while I was there. Just say why it is

important to you and why you think you will be successful. I think mine was only about 4 or

5 sentences long. I am on the fence a little between Hallmark and CDIA (partially due to $).

If anyone has an opinion, by all mean post something. I am actually sending enrollment

forms to both and see what happens.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


I just got accepted this last week and am now onto the final phase of finding money to

attend. Hopefully it works out and I will be heading to Mass at the end of August.


Is there any 2007/2008 students on this board yet. And any good advice for finding

housing? I know the institute helps out but just wondering since I applied a bit late in the




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Hi Matt , Congrats on being accepted to Hallmark and good luck in finding the money . I will be at Hallmark this coming year and am looking foward to getting started .

The staff is extremely helpful in finding a place to live . I found a place in no time at all and the last time I looked there was still alot of places to choose from .

Hope to see you there.



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