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Urine as a developer

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<p>Larry, that probably gets you the prize for dedication;<br>

but, really, you don't have to do this in the future. </p>

<p>I don't want to know what you've got to do to push or pull the film.<br>

Are you sure that this whole venture wasn't riding on just the ascorbic <br>

from the Vitamin C?</p>

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<p>I can think of a few weddings I wish I had developed like this ..</p>

<p>I really really would have loved to have pissed in the film tank and even thought of it a few times but have to admit I was not thinking development</p>

<p>BTW ..piss funny thread</p>

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<p>If not exactly piss poor, urine trouble none the less. I'm guessing you're a real whiz at developing? I've heard of the "golden hour" but this is the first golden shower I've seen in film.</p>

<p>I've thought about doing the coffee developer route, but given how much coffee I drink, well, you follow my thought.</p>

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<p>It'll be worse than bodily fluids. It'll be silver nitrate mixed with egg white slapped onto a roughed up piece of plastic. Then immerse that it a pot of piss for four hours. Oh, yes, I'm sure it'll smell great.</p>

<p>Kodak Father, Thou Art in Rochesta'. Please keep making some kind of any kind of film, we bless ya'.</p>

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