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Where do we live?


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Northern Utah, near the NorthEast shore of Great Salt Lake. Wonderland of desert, salt, forest & mountains. Good fishing & hunting & less than four hours from Yellowstone, the Tetons & just an hour more from the Red Rock playgrounds to the South. Home of the Transcontinental Railway & the 'meeting of the rails' & the great desert mountain ranges & the beginning of the Basin & Range provence. No drop of water falls that escapes this place, it is all held right here. Migratory birds by the millions, Bald Eagles all winter long & snow skiing to biking to canoeing & kayaking are all within a ten minute drive. Looking out the window to the East I see a federally designated wilderness area, to the West I see the Promontory mountains and around the area we have many peaks & mountains for hiking, camping & recreation. Great small towns & good people for the most part(sorry about Congressman Jim Hansen). 4th of July parades that consist of 4 tractors, 7 pickup trucks, 20 or so horseman & three cub scouts at the head carrying the flag while a big crowd of 300 swells Grouse Creek to overflowing while waiting for the rodeo to start, featuring local cowboys from Utah, Nevada & Idaho.

Within two hours I can be in Nevada, Idaho or Wyoming. History isn't something we visit & leave, it is where we live, play & photograph.<div>005f9z-13891284.jpg.04589ccf43fd284c7e33a9c72af18066.jpg</div>

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Boise Idaho, where I shoot portraits and the police shoot to kill. I don't know of another city in which one can fish for brown trout and watch Bald Eagles do the same in sight of the State Capitol building, and within a few paces of a hot cappuccino. Yellowstone, City of Rocks, Craters of the Moon, Sun Valley, Tetons, Owyhees, Hell's canyon, Oregon Trail etc., etc.
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New to this forum . . . heading back into LF . . . working in Milwaukee (yes, home of the Brew Crew) but soon moving back to western Wisconsin - Tomah, where the "I" divides, cranberry country, near some of the largest native American casinos and many of earth's critters are just across the road! Stop by for stew & brew!
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