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Kent T

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Everything posted by Kent T

  1. Get this car up to 88 MPH, we need to do some time travelling. Back to 1960 or so. I need me a cheap Leica Screw Mount body and a 35 and 50mm lens or so. Mike, love your posts, and your images. Wish I could have bought a Konica Auto S2 from your family new. And a nice Minolta SRT body and a few Rokkors or Celtics. And some nice film to go with them and some filters.
  2. I am planning on finishing up a roll of Fuji 400 Superia in my Olympus 35 RC.
  3. Love how that 35 3.5 Planar looks, the definition is amazing and it's so sharp. Nice image. Enjoyed seeing this so much.
  4. First camera, Kodak Instamatic which took 126 cartridges. First serious camera I ever owned. 1938 Baby Rolleiflex with Zeiss Jena Tessar. Paid $3 at the Oak Ridge, TN Art Center Flea Market. Worked for 2 rolls of film, then I misloaded it and the advance crank gear jammed. Next camera, Canon Snappy S, Mom gave me that for christmas, also for Christmas, bought me a used Yashica-Mat which I wish I still owned. First 35 mm SLR, a friend gave me a Canon FTb and a FD 50 1.8.
  5. I miss my local area Camera Shops. In Oak Ridge, TN, we had The Camera's Eye and also had Thompson Photo Products (still in business in Knoxville, TN as a photo lab), we also had F-Stop Photo which was camera store and one hour photo. In Athens, TN then we had Foto Fast, which was one hour photo and Minolta dealer. Miss the superb belated Superior Camera in Chattanooga, did repairs and sold camera gear and film. And also had send off photo processing. Enjoy Thompson Photo Products in Knoxville and the awesome F32 Photo in Knoxville (they sell cameras, film, and have a superb photo lab).
  6. Shot at Bald River Falls, Cherohala Skyway, Tellico Plains, Tennessee. Used a Nikkormat FTn, with Nikkor 50 1.4 lens. Used Kodak Ultramax 400 film.
  7. A view from Melton Hill Lake in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. On the Greenway near Bull Run Steam Plant. Many cyclists and hikers love this connected greenway and trail system. Also a great place for photography.
  8. Shot at the Oak Ridge, Tennessee Marina. This single sculler is leaving the dock going out on his workout.
  9. Kent T

    Bald River Falls

    Taken with a Nikkormat FTn. 50 1.4 Nikkor lens, and Kodak UltraMax 400 film at Bald River Falls, hiked down to the falls a short distance to get this shot.
  10. Awesome essay on the Kodak Chevron. While it's not quite as good as the Medalist or Medalist II, it's still a very nice camera and has a fine lens and shutter. And nicely styled. Wonder if anyone's converted one to 120 rollfilm? Any ideas for adapting 120 rollfilm. Love the sharpness and contrast of that Ektar lens.
  11. Kent T

  12. Superb photos. I always enjoy seeing your work. And beautiful photo of that Citroen 2CV. A car which is so essentially Gallic. Love your views of the Netherlands.
  13. Here's some more from the Kodak Colorplus 200 roll, shot on my Nikon FG, Vivitar 28 mm/2.8 lens. Baby (my Black & White Tuxedo girl). In Silhouette. f2.8, 1/30 second, handheld at that (Cerebral Palsy played nice long enough for me to get away with this shot).
  14. Agree with this. I love folding Retinas, and use a 1b scale focus model. Mine makes superb images, and has for the last 26 or 27 years since I bought mine for $60. Never had a repair or CLA yet either. Still works well today.
  15. Here's another from the roll of Kodak ColorPlus 200 film I shot last week with my Nikon FG and the Vivitar 28/2.8 lens. Had a ton of fun shooting my first roll of this film, like the Kodak Gold I used to shoot back in the late 1980's. This shot was 1/250 at f11.
  16. A note, being that I too have CP, and a part time wheelchair user. Mine is legs, left side worst for tone. Shutter speeds and control over them matter, since our bodies are moving and never stop very often, or we're very stiff. It's easier for me to use a manual camera than it is to outwit automatics. Ruggedness is also critical. Helps keep cameras out of repair shops.
  17. Yes, and Cerebral Palsied me, trips over his own feet, spastic street photograher brasses up enough cameras. Since I buy my cameras used, I buy them with brass and a even a ding or three. That way, I can take them out, run tons of film through them, and come back it do it again and again. They go places, they take pictures, they get used (and I try to take good care of them) and I don't suffer from emotional issues if they get some more brass from using them. I am the only person I know who loves some press corp ugly in cameras.
  18. And here's another from this roll of Kodak ColorPlus 200 film. Nikon FG, Vivitar 28/2.8 lens, f8/1/250. Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  19. Here's one I shot last week, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Nikon FG, Vivitar 35 mm/2.8 lens, Kodak ColorPlus 200 film. f 5.6, 1/125.
  20. A note: These threads have awakened me from a dormant creative lull. Seeing these threads has sparked my photography, and reignited the passion. And made me realize what I've missed being away from Black & White, and it's creative potential. I enjoy seeing everybody's images here so much. Thanks for sharing them. Working on some more of my own.
  21. I used a Nikon FG yesterday and today. Shot most of a roll of Kodak Colorplus 200 in my example. My example is a black one.
  22. I used to own a Konica Auto S2, I miss it. Superb parallax compensated range/viewfinder. Lens was superb, and sharp even wide open. Cerebral Palsied me was at McMinn County Airport, taking pictures during the Swift Fly-In years ago, and I got tapped on, startle reflex happened (an acquaintance), I took a hard fall and badly damaged the Konica Auto S2 when I fell on it. Said gentleman was very nice, and actually gave me enough money to replace it. Wound up with a Canonet GIII 1.7 QL and enough money for a few rolls of film and processing. I was bruised up for a few days.
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