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Everything posted by ajkocu

  1. Let's toss some more turntable/vinyl LPs photos in here. It took me a few days to figure out how to do this since my turntable is at shoulder height but my tripod isn't! The tripod was sitting on 3 different height things I dragged over to raise it to the proper height. ISO 100, f/8 and 0.8 sec for the first; 0.6 sec for the second. I used anti-flicker on the camera since the lighting is LED. EF 40mm lens.
  2. Canon R7 with Metabones FD to RF lens adapter. Tokina 500mm f/8 mirror lens out the window. Not the worst lens but maybe just above it in image quality! Focus with magnified view.
  3. ajkocu


    A little LR background blur.
  4. grown-up kids can play as well!
  5. For those following this thread, I bought a Metabones FD to RF adapter and am happy with its functionality. You have to set Custom Settings to enable shutter release without a lens.
  6. Metropolis here also, Luis! Chicago
  7. Good luck with that. I'll leave the camera case in the closet for now! I don't think I had a fresnel on the ground glass and I didn't have any problems with the image not being bright enough.
  8. Drat! I just saw this post. I do have one although it might have my lens prescription on the eyepiece. I'd have to dig the camera case out of a closet to confirm.
  9. Frost crystals in window pane.
  10. I was getting ready to go to the grocery store this afternoon when I saw these frost crystals in my dining room window. I figured I should shoot them before they go away! R7 with EF 100mm macro. ISO 100, f/11 1/60th (maybe); tripod mounted.
  11. Let's reactivate this thread! I think it's smiling!
  12. Good luck and have fun with your projects. I did buy an inexpensive extension tube set a while back and sometimes they worked, other times they didn't! They did not always make contact (apparently) with the camera body. I wound up buying a used Canon 12mm (or maybe 12.5mm) and 25mm extension tubes. I'm pretty sure I had the 25mm extension tube on the EF100mm L IS with my R7 and off camera flash for this critter that had a hard time scaling the side of the bathtub.
  13. ajkocu


    Ah Bonaire!
  14. ISO 3200, Canon G7X Mkll
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