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Everything posted by ajkocu

  1. That's what I use to scan and am happy with the results. There are plenty of YouTube videos on scanning with Vuescan or Silverfast. I've copied a few slides with a dslr but the resulting files require cleaning. I bought the Nikon just before they were discontinued.
  2. Have you found a good FD to RF lens adapter? I looked in my camera bag of FD lenses and the only lens I'd like to use on my R7 is a Tokina 500mm mirror lens; my other FD lenses I have covered by EF lenses.
  3. ajkocu


    As others have said, tempting!
  4. As Ralph Cramden would say: "you're a riot"! LOL that was humorous! I'm sure this is a different one from the other day. The other one looked like it had a bum right-side leg that got mangled. I hadn't seen a centipede in months and now they're starting to appear. I've heard that they take care of the other pests so I leave them alone as long as they pose for a few portraits. I am amazed at the detail some of these creepy crawlies have with that macro lens which is probably the best lens I have.
  5. I hope to post a few more photos over the weekend and I hate to post the same subject matter too often but I got this critter head-on this morning and could not resist! I did some similar shots a few days ago but forgot to manually set the ISO and the camera chose 6400! Even with LR denoise they were not very good. R7 with EF to RF adapter, EF 25mm extension tube with EF 100mm macro IS, f/16 @ 1/350 sec shutter which must be the max sync speed. ISO 400. Off camera flash with Vello reflector. Hand held but I braced against the wall.
  6. Great photos and I see now why it's called the GRAND Canyon!
  7. ajkocu


    I have not watched that movie yet! Thanks.
  8. ajkocu


    This guy was patient as I was blinding him with the flash. He couldn't get out of the tub so I released him after the posing session.
  9. Yes! Many of us know that age creeps up on us! That looks like a large city. Is that Albir? I was in Madrid, Segovia, Ávila, Toledo and Barcelona.
  10. Perfecting the pour! R7 with kit lens again and 270 EXll flash on the camera.
  11. R7 with RF 18-150 zoom. I was hoping to catch the goalie in action but this was at the end of the game and she ran off right after this shot.
  12. R7 with EF to RF adapter (with control ring) seems to work flawlessly. Good thing since I have a few (!) EF lenses. EF 70-300 zoom. Not a bad lens for APS-C but not good for full frame.
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