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Everything posted by ajkocu

  1. Oops, the latest Fuji X100 is now the X100V which has a tilt screen among other features.
  2. Thank you TriggerHappy. It's very kind of you to offer a meeting, although I don't know how we could do that. I haven't been using Photoshop much at all and was never comfortable with using layers. For the few things I did I would follow a tutorial step by step. I will try different lighting first, though.
  3. I'm looking for things to photograph at home. I'm tired of window condensation and self portraits for now. Canon 80D with 50mm f/2.5 macro. B&W conversion in Lightroom.
  4. The dry side of my first apartment darkroom before I squeezed an Omega D2 in there . The bathroom across from this closet was the wet side.
  5. Is that what you drove on your cross country journey, Mark? Gas mileage? Or is it diesel mileage?
  6. Here's for you, friend! Stay healthy.
  7. Thank you, Mark. I have time on hand anyway so maybe I'll try again today or tomorrow. I had a reflector on my left side (right side of photo) which could have been closer to my face.
  8. ajkocu

    In the water

    Grand Cayman, 1984
  9. ajkocu

    Winter Squash

    Very nice shot. I usually don't have the patience to do something like this when I'm chopping away in the kitchen. Next time I'll slow down and get the camera. I'm enjoying your portfolio. Adrian
  10. Walking back from the car with groceries. I guess it couldn't fit in the recycle bin. (if that's recyclable!)
  11. The Epson V700-850 scanners have adjustable heights on their film holders to optimize sharpness of scans. Can you try shimming the film holders a little at a time to see what height is best? Perhaps with some strips of light cardboard.
  12. Kind of a messy one. 80D with 100 macro and hand held flash against the window. Condensation in between window panes. Cardboard against the window just below the flash to avoid bounce back to the lens.
  13. 80D with 50mm F/2.5 macro. I pulled out the collapsible backdrop, umbrella soft-box, strobes, light stands and tripod. I wish I could leave this stuff set up in a separate room! I'm going to have to do this self portrait again because I can't get rid of that little lump above my left eyebrow in Lightroom. I'll have to turn the other cheek! Not a very complicated lighting setup. I'm sure TriggerHappy can figure it out.
  14. That's a lovely lemon! I have heard that the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane. Any truth to that? Do you have room to set up a studio in your new place?
  15. ajkocu

    Still life

    8x10 B&W negative
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