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Everything posted by gbaldrich

  1. gbaldrich

    The Edge of Forever

    A compilation of three images.
  2. gbaldrich

    Magic Umbrella

    Foureyes- "Magical realism', eh? I had to look that one up. Very interesting and thank you!
  3. Shot on Fuji Provia film back in the day.
  4. Taken in the early morning from inside the mosque on the east side of the grounds.
  5. They've been gone so long now I forgot which one was a POD. Also under 'featured' photos, I can't even see all of my images to add or delete from the entire portfolio. I can see some deleted ones but can't add others that don't appear. UPDATE: my pod image just popped back in. Thanks
  6. I wouldn't even know how to disable an image if I wanted to do that.
  7. gbaldrich

    Magic Umbrella

    Magical Realism
  8. gbaldrich

    Female Northern Cardinal

    Gorgeous shot, Christopher!
  9. Philip - An interesting concept and I see what you mean. Thanks!
  10. gbaldrich


    Jerry S - Thank you for your kind comment.
  11. gbaldrich

    Greek Church

    Oia, Santorini
  12. At certain hours of the day outside light filters down in shafts from the cave's opening in the roof of Antelope Canyon.
  13. I haven; been here long but it looks like something or several things are broken every day. Yikes!
  14. The links to my Editor's picks and one POD have failed for a couple of days. Maybe not such a big deal. I guess something falls apart here every day. I guess I picked a bad time to join. How long has p.net been coming unraveled? I can see why so many old timers have disappeared. Sad.
  15. Philip- Everbody who goes there has water and camera in a backpack. Thanks.
  16. Light in the Antelope Slot Canyons filters down from narrow openings in the roof.
  17. gbaldrich

    The End

    Saad - Thanks again!
  18. gbaldrich


    Saad- Thank you for your comments on my images.
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