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Everything posted by gbaldrich

  1. gbaldrich

    Bali Farewell

    Foureyes- Thanks again! Even as much as it has changed since the 90's, Bali, as you said, really is still 'a tropical state of mind.'
  2. gbaldrich

    Window to the Sky

    Beautiful moment of calm and peace! Would make a great CD cover for a smooth jazz or downtempo electronica/chillout album...ala Paul Hardcastle or Ryan Farish.
  3. gbaldrich

    Portal on the World

    Tibetan monks from the roof of the World.
  4. gbaldrich

    Scarlet ibis

    A gem. Nat Geo has a sad current article about these beauties being poached for food in Africa.
  5. I love how you've texturized the sky. Or is it the entire photo? Winner!
  6. Like a fine art painting and I love it! Moody, evocative and beautiful.
  7. gbaldrich

    © (C)2009 {your name}, all rights reserved

  8. gbaldrich

    Mystic Mono Lake

    Tony - Yes, the smoke acts as a filter. I'm in the Palm Springs area and we had heavy smoke here from the fires in the mountains around Idyllwild. Now Orange and Riverside counties have several fires going. Another horrendous California fire season. Thanks!
  9. gbaldrich

    Drops of Jewels

    Outstanding macro, Michelle! And big enough here to see from space...ha! Cheers!
  10. gbaldrich

    Mystic Mono Lake

    The morning air was colored by smoke from fires hundreds of miles away.
  11. gbaldrich

    Bali Farewell

    Low tide at Batubalong
  12. gbaldrich


    I'm glad your model went along with your request and the sky cooperated as well because this is another gem.
  13. gbaldrich


    Has the mystical feel of an ancient ritual site. Very fine!
  14. gbaldrich

    Ocean of Secrets

    Once again you've taken things to new heights in an image that unmistakably yours. A classic!
  15. gbaldrich

    Net Casting

    Michael - Thank you and all the best!
  16. They have been removed, at last. All the best!
  17. THANK YOU to whomever finally removed the unwanted and repetitive comments! Bravo.
  18. You said: "This is a question for the creators of this site!" That's why I contacted them in the first place. Why they banned you is for them to answer for.
  19. There was one an earlier date then three in one day. Not sure why or who is to blame for that. I didn't directly notify micorneon because I assumed if I couldn't delete them myself that he probably could not either. Also knowing how touchy people can be on these sites I try to avoid such messes and left it for the administration to handle from their end. In the end, I would never suggest the banning of another member over this and the unwanted comments remain undeleted by anyone.
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