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Moving On

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Everything posted by Moving On

  1. Actually that is not backed by the facts of History. We got out same as we got in, as a result of politics.
  2. Is there coffee or tea stain in the cup or a quarter and two nickels?....... [ATTACH=full]1356003[/ATTACH]
  3. I once heard in an interview, Billy Joel speak about the aspect he liked least of making music videos. He said that the visual aspect so narrowed the interpretation of the song that it robbed the music of its broadly individualized interpretations. There’s a point there that is applicable here methinks.
  4. Kinda neat thing just happened. After reading over this thread just now, this song just played on the radio.
  5. Simple facts are that photographers, critics, and casual viewers are going to have their own motivations for taking a particular photo, and interpreting those photos through their own personal experience and bias. Sometimes they intersect, sometimes they don’t. Arguing about it seems a pretty natural result. I appreciate directness.
  6. Funny how folks like gritty photography but shun gritty speech......
  7. South Memphis Hwy 61. From one of my first rolls of film through the S3 and bathroom sink. Trying to see what I can get with minimal post processing.
  8. Nice touch on the left.....;)
  9. A BIG +1 on keeping the M2. I was bound by prices limiting me to a hard choice between the two and multiple lenses for a rangefinder was not important to me. I like the rangefinder as a simple casual shooter. If I had a Leica I certainly wouldn’t let it go.
  10. Yes it is. The reputation of that lens and the availability of a 40 year younger camera won me over. I’ve been pretty busy but intend to put it back to work soon. I pretty much tied it to Black and White film and bathroom developing, so it is a bit of a learning curve for me having spent so many years with Pentax metered SLRs and commercial developing. I need to get it on the tripod to really see what I can make it do.
  11. I went through a bout of Leica Lust a few years ago. After much eBay shopping and digging into the details, I opted for the S3 2000, New Old Stock with case. I’m still happy with my choice. But the prices have gone up considerably since then. I think it’s time to run some more film through it. I expect a good Nikon RF will not disappoint.
  12. Vanity, both of the photographer and the subject are unpredictable and tricky........ Never cared much for “Photoghouls”.
  13. Do people who grow food cause obesity? Certainly some photographs flirt with harmful potential more than others. To whom much is given, much is required.......I expect time, displacement, and anonymity tend to mitigate the hazards in many cases. Common courtesy, a little forethought, and as has been pointed out, practicing the Golden Rule a bit is a pretty good personal guide. I do not know the person or the circumstance. Pretty obscure but conveys universal reality as presented here, harmless in that context.
  14. It is important to realize that more often than not, simply taking the photograph is probably less likely to harm than misuse of the photograph. Important distinction.
  15. Steering Wheel, that would be the one on the left....
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