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Everything posted by technicalsupport

  1. Frigo, let's debug this one - by - one, it's the only way, what is your current settings in /my/settings ?? This below would mean, you should receive alerts about any new comments on your own photos, it ALSO means you should receive alerts about new comments on other people's photos you have commented on. That's how you want to be alerted? I'll be around this week to do testing with your account if you're ready, thanks
  2. Current Photos set to "featured" 150 So you should see 192 total (-1 for being private), 150 featured for the counts on your profile page, that sounds right?
  3. OK here's the raw data: Total Photos uploaded: 311 Photos Currently Active: 192 Photos Deleted: 119 Photos marked as public: 310 Photos marked as private: 1
  4. The notification glowing red in the menu is rounded off by days. If you see a count showing "3" meaning 3 unread events and visit the /my/timeline page, it will then say you're caught up to today. If you then get a photo comment just 10 minutes later, it's still rounding by days so it's assuming you've already read everything through today. The fix is to prob make it round off to the minute, so it flags you as caught up to the minute not the whole day. However that requires a rework of the data for the timeline page to get to that smaller scale. It's exciting huh?
  5. OK, how many were deleted? that can throw my investigation off, if there's bad counts appearing, because the additional factor of thinking about deleted photos also affecting the bug.
  6. Can you check today? Some updates pushed out, however we need to dig into some more situations people can be in to resolve all the subscription bugs still... (legacy user upgrading, legacy user expired then upgrading, new user cancelling, then signing up again which will extend out your subscription from your current expiration date plus 1 year / month depending on choice) That kind of thing, sounds fun huh?
  7. Sorry, I moved to a new house, there was bug with that page in the design layout (css) it's been fixed today. Thanks
  8. Sorry! I just moved to a new house, I didn't have my home office set up. Took forever to unbox everything. Guys, let's check the site, my/settings page subscription updates, all that. We're reworking subscriptions to support new (stripe) and legacy (paypal covert to stripe) account. More to come this week!
  9. OK working on this now. Thanks for your support for the last 7 years! I'm trying to release a bunch of subscription stuff, got bogged down by fighting spammers again. Humbug.
  10. the new map dialog on that page, is pushing things around, that's what I meant above
  11. ahh shit, that's chrome on mac? I'm emulating a bunch of browsers, it's not cutting off like that. The map has been moved, hopefully a release in a day or so. thanks!
  12. Hey I'm back, just finished moving. You're a "legacy" subscriber? Meaning you paid with paypal last year and now you've had to renew using our new "stripe" payment system? However you had to wait till the old subscription expired first before you were presented with a "upgrade to premium" dialog. Is that the issue? New work has been done to ensure that people can "cancel" in their settings page an active subscription, meaning it won't automatically charge and renew. (Glenn has to do that manually for now)
  13. OK Jack, you're all good then? Your account had some bad luck, usually the older and most active accounts come up with issues because there's more historical data increasing the chance it will have a glitch when it's migrated to support new features. but more data is good! we like the contributions thanks
  14. There's a machine that won't stay up: Here's the message from ops: So, I couldn't see anything specifically wrong. All services seemed to be running. But when I tried to upload, it was unable to finish the process. Restarted the zookeepers and solrs and works fine now. One of the old zookeeper boxes is the leader. Tomorrow I'll get another new zookeeper into the mix and try to kill the old ones. Then I'll start working on new SOLR rpm with same version (or very close) in QA.
  15. Our team received this alert this evening, yes you're right there's a specific indexer that won't stay up behind the scenes. Alert [Photo.net 2.0] No Recent Photo Uploads [Last 3 Hours] (July 22, 2018, 8:00 pm) Our operations person said this: So, I couldn't see anything specifically wrong. All services seemed to be running. But when I tried to upload, it was unable to finish the process. Restarted the zookeepers and solr machines and works fine now. One of the old zookeeper boxes is the leader. Tomorrow I'll get another new zookeeper into the mix and try to kill the old ones. Then I'll start working on new SOLR rpm with same version (or very close) in QA. ah man, it's a spinning camera lens, didn't anybody put that together?? our designer thought he was clever as hell doing that!
  16. HAA! You're killing me Jack, there's a whole bunch of photos saying "featured, featured featured" for you still, you said you just removed them all from featured? It should erase that flag on the photo. I have to reproduce how your featured photo data got in the state that it is.
  17. Hey Jack! Thanks so much for being a long time member. The older accounts have a couple of glitches, wish it was the other way around, the older accounts are considered more valuable, sorry. Your "personalUrl" had a space in it, see below. I've just removed the space. creationDate: 2005-04-06 09:22:52 personalUrl: Jack McRitchie This is your URL now: JackMcRitchie | photo.net Visit: DUMAS | photo.net go to "favorites" "user" your user thumbnail now clicks to that url that will resolve. https://www.photo.net/services/photos/get/searchByPage/0?searchKeyword=&categoryId=0&currentTimeByDays=0&sortBy=featuredSequence&isFeaturedOnly=true&photographerId=1572283 Featured photos was migrated off of the database (too slow 20 30 seconds to load) a process was run to move them to our SOLR index. However your result set for the profile page has a bunch of photos marked as "featured = true" but no "featuredSequence" set, at least for the first 10 or 20, which is why you're reporting them being 'scrambled'. featuredSequence does start appearing further down and is incrementing correctly starting with 2 going up. Prob because there's ones with no featuredSequence set it was considering it the value of 0 showing them all first. Let me check that job again run to get everyone's photos in the data just right, thanks for patience.
  18. Hey! what's your profile? can I see it? I was looking for a user name Phil Light... Some of those exact counts of photos are cached to reduce load times on our site, they should refresh within some hours. If you do have a lot of featured photos, it has to do some heavy lifting to reorder them in the database and indexer. I can keep looking with more info, thanks
  19. You've opted out of receiving promotional emails and still receive newsletters? You said "creative art" is that from photo.net then? attached is the settings I'm mentioning, thanks
  20. Gerald, you're currently no a longer premium member and wish to be but have been blocked by a credit card error still? We use Stripe payment system to handle that for us, they basically give us a thumbs up/down when people submit CC info.
  21. Hey Jack, it does look like you have some pretty cool featured photos, 39 total, in the following order shown here. The order was right, then not again? I'm trying to produce this bug myself if it's still existing, thanks
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