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Everything posted by movingfinger

  1. I agree on all counts. Also, how do they know if an unallowed type of editing was performed on a submitted image? Do they conduct some sort of in-depth analysis of the submitted digital file or do they simply trust that the submitter abided by the constraints? Possibly (and not unlikely) I am a simpleton but I can't distinguish between the samples of the unallowed edits and the winning photographs. Some of the winners are - to me - so peculiar (unique?, eerie?) that they don't even look like or resemble 'landscapes' of the sort I have ever encountered, whether with my own eyes or in photographs made in the days before digital capture and editing. That said, most of the winners are gorgeous and creative and definitely merit honor and recognition.
  2. Lunar Eclipse, earth's shadow, Nov 8 2022, 4:55AM EST
  3. Here is an interesting item on how photography and the process of making photographs can enrich lives and contribute to healing and growth in youth growing up in very difficult circumstances: LINK. Many of the photographs taken by these young folks are truly remarkable and inspirational (in my humble estimation). I came across this endeavor from this report of the publication of book of photographs from the children in the project: LINK.
  4. Here is the direct link to the Z9 teardown: Kolarivision
  5. I consider it "actually damaged". The front glass looks like someone (gently) buffed it with sandpaper. That's strange since it's in a nice leather case so the camera was protected. My dad, a GI in WW2, got it over in Germany back in the mid-40's.
  6. Old Leica 35mm camera, sadly with a damaged lens, Kodak E100 color slide film
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